Canada's Salvation

Day 2,103, 00:16 Published in USA Canada by Corrigan Brown

The Circle of Trust alliance was, in the eyes of Canadians, a betrayal by the USA. Canada having been a dedicated member of EDEN beforehand could not possibly fathom why the USA decided to leave the alliance. Oh they theorized, as many tend to do but it always seemed a bit odd to us that they would ally with some of their enemies. The world was split in two (if you’ll pardon the pun) and EDEN was sort of winning (debatable I know but that’s not the point). So why leave?

Canada remained a faithful member of EDEN up until the point a clever man named Rylde threw Canada at ASGARD, yelling something about loyalty and honor and trust or something like that. Ending every article with a “Hail ASGARD” in order to win the support. It’s all glamorous until someone loses all their regions.

Flash forward to now, Canada’s wiped, the USA’s wiped, TWO is winning and Rylde’s not even in Canada. Now, Canadians could go around blaming Rylde and the sad choice of alliance for the position that Canada finds itself in but that’s irrelevant at the moment. The point being that Canada would be in no better position if it were in CoT as it is now in ASGARD.

The irony of the situation at hand at the moment is that EDEN is still relatively alive, not mentioning the fact that the alliance now composes of only three members, namely China, Albania and Israel, yet all three of these countries have all of their regions plus some extra from neighboring countries they’re at war with. They’re alliances are pretty benign as well, just dabbling with everyone it would seem.

So EDEN members stray far away from CoT and TWO members, taking little part (if any) in World War VI. Life must be boring over there, but then again they’re sucked up in wars against the ironically named World Organization of Loyalty and Freedom and the Non-Allied Nations. Essentially the key to winning at eRepublik is to keep your head down and kick the smaller guys who don’t have the allies or numbers to fight back.

See here’s the problem: Canada is the country that is too small and as a result of ASGARD (even with CoT tendencies), does not have the allies and doesn’t have the numbers to fight back, they’re not geographically placed well enough to call it quits and join EDEN again to get under the protection of the three nations and Spain’s already wiped them.

USA, you can expect little help from your Canadian hat. (Not that you expected any in the first place).

So how can CoT (particularly Canada and the US) get out of the mess it’s in now?

There are a couple of things Canada could do. For one get out of the ridiculous alliance known as ASGARD. You know what, it’s a great alliance with wonderful countries in it, but the total population alone is just a very small shadow of a fraction compared to TWO or CoT, or in some cases the nations within them. ASGARD may have tendencies towards one alliance or the other, but it’s time to pick a side that at least has some fragment of a chance at helping you.

Secondly try and get the countries that aren’t particularly concerned with WWIV, concerned with WWIV. The members of the modern day EDEN could be of some use, China definitely given its population and damage output. While easier said than done, Canada’s only chance at salvation is to get the Asian Pacific involved in the battles of WWIV.

The USA would also benefit from the Asian-Pacific support. Never mind historical grievances and all that, the future of the American people depends on it.

USA left EDEN, the world changed. Never mind why, that doesn’t matter anymore. The point is they did and now the CoT world is shaken up. The day and age for a new world order (namely TWO, who cynically claim that the world is theirs) is either upon us, or CoT makes a tremendous comeback.

Time to stop sitting on our backsides and actually start talking to old friends.

Call me vain, call me insane.
I prefer Corrigan Brown.