Canada's backyard

Day 2,093, 21:38 Published in Canada Spain by Folphjorg
I am not liable for any heart attacks, strokes or brain aneurysms that my writing may have caused.

Hello eCanada,

I do apologize about not posting anything yesterday, RL has been busy and i'm afraid that I won't be able to release articles as frequently as I have been the last few days. I have two 30 hour hockey camps this week and next week so you can imagine that I have no time to write any articles. I will however try my best to release some stuff soon but they may be QUITE short, almost as short as me!

Finally! A backyard!

So we've recently gained back our shiny new land, if we are able to hold this region down for a couple of more days we can finally have a congress! I do hope that a priority for the congress (if we do get one) is that we change the current 20% worker tax to a nice low percentage.


Well the eRepublik admins finally responded to my ticket complaint about the new workers tax for countries with no congress. Their response could not be more generic than an asian kid that loves math.

"Dear citizen, Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is helping us improve the New World.
Best regards and happy gaming moments,
The eRepublik team"

I'm sure that their response was as warm-hearted and genuine as

A partner in crime

A huge shout out to my gal fayola. She runs a newspaper called the Krazy Kanuck and writes about her experiences in eRepublik and I think it's definitely something you should check out.

It's all good, i'm a generic asian kid as well 😃

The guy who makes unneeded media!

I'm Hazmat and your welcome.