Canada at war with Drama Queens

Day 579, 09:15 Published in Canada Canada by Bashher

The Canadian Economy sucks.

Wages are down, and profits are falling faster than bill clintons pants during office hours.

So obviously the the biggest news articles in Canada are about the current financial issues....

Oops sorry I ment to say that 8 of the top 10 articles in Canada are directly related to two citizens.Yep that is correct two ecanadians are the biggest topics of interest in ecanada right now. One trying to get back into the country and his congression/court battles and the other trying to become Canadas most famous eterrorist.

And in fairness to Dean22 while I consider him a bit of a drama queen and a shit disturber he atleast seems to want to contribute to Canada.While AB just wants everyones attention to be on him and will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Its a shame that the canadian congress has to spend so much time dealing with the antics of a few citizens when issues that effect all ecanadians are needing to be dealt with.

It would be real nice to look at the ecanada news tomorrow and actually read about things important to us and not some snake in the grass attention seeking whore or his 'organization' lets start talking about some real issues...