Buying the Market - Introduction

Day 2,869, 17:55 Published in USA USA by Stan Brown

Hello all and welcome to Buying the Market, your trusted source for any news regarding eRepublic's constantly shifting marketplace.

This is the first article of my lovely newspaper and I hope for this to be a successful project for all of us. What I'll be doing here is posting weekly updates, each Monday, on changes in pricing for most of the items at the marketplace and on the monetary exchange rates. On the first Monday of each month, I'll give an overview of the entire past month in addition to the past week's changes. The prices that I will be reporting are an average of the prices found on the first page available for each item.

As this is the very first issue of Buying the Market, I'm unable to compare this week's prices to any predecessor. The market's current standings are provided below.

Fun Fact of the Day
As they stand right now, Moving Ticket prices are rather nonsensical. The least expensive of all the tickets are Q5 tickets, the highest quality, while Q1 tickets are the 2nd most expensive, after Q4.

The eRepublic Marketplace - 9/28/15

Q1 - 0.07
Q2 - 0.l4
Q3 - 0.211
Q4 - 0.28
Q5 - 0.392
Q6 - 0.517
Q7 - 0.862

Q1 - 0.045
Q2 - 0.085
Q3 - 0.11
Q4 - 0.255
Q5 - 1.04
Q6 - 3.11
Q7 - 9.905

Q1 - 39.234
Q2 - 34.529
Q3 - 31.507
Q4 - 42.466
Q5 - 29.589

Q1 - 374.963
Q2 - 778.563
Q3 - 1421.749
Q4 - 2903.749
Q5 - 4662.95

Raw Materials
Food - 0.03
Weapon - 0.04
House - 0.17

Monetary Exchange
Gold - 282.9095 USD
USD - 0.004 gu