Budi ono sto nisi...

Day 2,558, 16:59 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Ljudi iz radoznalosti svasta uradise...Zapalise vatru,otvorise Pandorinu kutiju(prste prebiti onome ko to pokusa ponovo),popese se na Mesec(Sta li su tamo trazili da mi je znati...),jedan cak napravio plastiku(Kreten...Sada ce Kinezi i mene da naprave od plastike...) i koje kakve druge gluposti da ne nabrajam mrzi me...

A ja bih da iz radoznalosti promeni sve vas...Tako coporativno sve pa sta bude!!Da budete lepi,mali ,areni...Dobro ne treba da budete sareni,i ovo mali mi diskutabilno podjem od sebe koji sam kao oveci medved ili omanji slon...Lepi...Zene su lepe vi ostali sto niste zene kakvo god perje da stavite na sebe licice te mi samo na ruzne papagaje!!Ruzni ste kako god okrenete a i ja s vam kao najruzniji od ruznih ljudi!!Kako lepo zvuci najruzniji od ruznih ljudi!!Verovatno je i gramaticki ispravno!!Inace nemam ni perje posto verujem da je dobar deo vas pomislio da imam!!

Da ne lupetam dalje i onako teko da je to kome smesno osim mene samog,zelim bre da se svi smejete!!!

Da budete nasmejani i kada ustanete i kdada krenete da spavate!!Mada ne morate da spavate eto ja ne spavam i sasvim sam dobro kao sto mozete i da vidite iz mog pisanja!!

Dakle prijatelji a i vi neprijatelji moji smejte se!!!Cisto sumnjam da cu imati neprijatelja ako se svi budu smejali....

Ako vas ne mrzi da se cerekate dok se slikate ne bi li tako ispali lepi na slici sta vas sprecava da se i kada cike sa fotoaparatom,mada ja vise volim kada je teta u pitanju,smejete i cerekate??Pa logicno tada cete biti lepsi...Mozda ono iz prvog dela mojih zelja da budete lepi i upali ovim drugim,ili koji je vec po redu,delom!!

Smejteeee seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


Ako se upiskite nista strasno!!Ali se okupajte tada mimo onog protokola za kupanje,veci praznici i slicno!!

PS.Ne snosim odgovornost ako prihvatite moj savet i usled cerekanje vam se iskrivi lice!!

Be something what you're not

People out of curiosity can do anything...Ignite a fire, opened a Pandora's box (fingers beat whoever this experiment again), went up to the moon (What were they doing out that I know ...), one even made plastic (moron. ..Now the Chinese make me out of plastic ...) and that any other nonsense not to mention, its hates me ...

And I'd like to change the curiosity of you all ... So coporative all and whatever happens !! To be beautiful, small, colorful ... Good does not need to be flashy, and this is my little questionable undertaking from you that I bear as sizeable(big) or smallish elephant ... Beautiful ... Women are beautiful you are not a hundred other women whatever feathers to put on the version of this I just parrots the ugly !! No matter how ugly you turn back, and I with you as the ugliest of the ugly people !! How nice it sounds the ugliest of the ugly people !! It's probably grammatically correct !! Otherwise I have no feathers percent believe that a good part of you thought that I had !!

Do not rambling on and so hard that it was ridiculous to whom besides myself, I want to fuck you all laugh !!!

To be smile when you get up and when you go to sleep !! Although you do not need to sleep, that I can not sleep and I'm quite well as you can see from my writing !!

So my friends, my enemies and you laugh !!! I doubt that I have enemies if everybody would laugh ....

If you hate not to grin while taking a picture, should not fired so beautiful in the picture are preventing you from and when whistling to the camera, although I prefer when it comes to damage, laughing, grinning ?? So logically then you will be more beautiful ... Maybe what the first part of my desire to be beautiful and hoped the latter, or who is already in order, to work !!

Laugh in a loud voice, LOL !!!!

giggle !!!

If you pee in your pants, no big deal !! But then swim past one protocol for bathing, most holidays and the like !!

PS.I do not carry responsibility if you take my advice and giggle until your face disort or warp !!

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