Breaching the Walls, Revealing the Truth: One month in eRepublik

Day 2,420, 02:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Spir Tus

Yesterday was the end of my first month in eRepublik. I had not planned to write this article, but I have a lot of questions and inspiration. This article is about my peronal experience this month.

The month of June was for me the start of my eLife as a part of the eNL community. With the start of this game on 05-06-14, I started in the middle of all the political action. The highlight of politics, the presidential elections. Of course, it was impossible for me to vote for one of the two presidents. But thanks to the elections, I became very enthousiastic. If it was possible for meto vote, I would have voted for Kordak, based purely on his program and interview.

The first problem I got was to learn the game. As you know, the introduction message isn't very useful and caused confusion especially about the game mechanics of fighting etc. The tutorial was very helpful and I would like to thank everyone who was involved in the creation of this tutorial. But the tutorial didn't answer all my questions, so I read the Lawbook, took a look at important and less important debates of the past and present and searched for information on the wiki. Still, not all my questions were answered and I joined a party, started to ask people in the community my questions and I created this newspaper.

After all, my first month was great in eRepublik. It is a very good game, with a nice community. I hope I will be here for a lot of months more. But I need to play this game in another way I think. I am used to play browser games where politics and strategy is involved, but there activity is very important. If you're not active enough, you die. In eRepublik this is not the case, but my activity was a bit too much. I was online from 10:00 to 24:00, and of course I did other stuff, but I was refreshing the forum and the game a lot 😛

It was not very easy to join the community and be a part of it. I have still the feeling I'm missing a lot of knowledge to understand a lot of things. With the debates I don't know where everyone is talking about, so after research in the matter, I had a clear idea about the debate itself, but not about the common knowledge you will get of experience. It is frustrating me, but I'm sure over time I will learn the things I need to know.

The next months I will not be very active, because I will be away. I will try to be online in this time, but I don't know if that will be possible. I'm working on my next article with real content, but there is more time needed to fully understand the matter. With my absence the upcoming months, there will be no new articles I think.

I'm looking forward to September and being active again.

I would like to thank everyone who have helped me with advice, answering questions and giving me information. It was very useful!

Spir Tus
Owner of A Bastion of Truth