Bitch, please.

Day 894, 21:16 Published in USA USA by Syrup

Hope he doesn't mind I stole his graphics.

[Caution: The following article may contain small amounts of hypocrisy and a lot of bawwww]

I know I am a little late on the Max McFarland 2 debate, but what the hell? I expected it to blow over after a week or so, and consequentially I mostly overlooked it. But, I was in the Presidential Debate last night, and this was one of the points of discussion, and let me say I am extremely pissed off.

I'm not defending Max because I am one of his little fanboys following him around, or because he gives Q5 Hospitals to the USA. While these things are nice, I am defending him because I work with him as equals quite often, and I find him as a person that is easy to work with. I regard him as a bro. This lynching Max thing is breaking the bro code in so many ways, and you know what happens when you break the bro code. So, it dismays me when I see one of my brothers thrown under the bus in this way so nonchalantly.

This doesn't mean I agree with Max's whole PHOENIX thing, honestly I could care less. I could completely understand getting help from a few PHOENIX nations if Poland or Spain decided to attack us. Our survival is key. When he did this we were under an immediate threat of attack a country almost double our size. Who cares if a few PHX countries helped us out? It's not like their ideals are different than ours. Not that I am a PHOENIX sympathizer or anything, but if Poland attacks us it would only make sense to defend ourselves anyway possible.

Now, please.

America, you forget that there are real people behind these avatars that you see in eRepublik. We sit around in our committee's and discuss the best Recruitment and Retention methods to keep people in this game. The solution is simple. We have to stop being douchebags to one another. Case Study: Jude Connors. We pushed him, got angry at him for being busy with IRL issues while he was PP. He moved. Why does this surprise us when it happens? Why do we get angry at him for moving? Personally, I don't blame people that want to move, the eUSA isn't a very friendly atmosphere at the moment. The only reason I stay here isn't because of the political scene right now, it's because of the kind people that are sticking it out.

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I was once at the receiving end of all this negative energy. Some of you may remember when I approved a citizen named Zoli into the USA. Yes it was a stupid move, but the crap I received made eRepublik an absolute hell for about a week. I received hate mail every day, got kb'ed from countless IRC channels. It's extremely frustrating, to say the least. The only reason I stayed in this game was for Jude Connors who understood that people make mistakes once in awhile. Now it's time for me to return the favor. This is not the way we should treat each other. Let's face it, this game would be extremely boring without a little chaos here and there. I know I may be alienating a lot of people with this article, but I don't even care anymore. These are dark days in the USA.

Sorry for the rant,