before you click

Day 923, 22:23 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Hello all, its the dead of night again. I sit here bored while my brother and my friend play battlefront downstairs. This is me, saying that yes "i'm going to be only to check and then I'll be downstairs again, it will be two seconds" was a blatant lie. Like many of us, I find myself placing more and more of real life aside for my hobbies. But why do I play when sometimes its not fun?

Is it something to do? Is it because its somewhat an escape from the general stagnation of my life? Stagnation it contributes to, no less? Certainly I'm not playing for the game mechanics because going from my former game(tribalwars to this) make it seem like I took a crap in a bag and opened my browser to that bag. I'll say this. I certainly did not come to see the drama I always do.

I am a proud member of SSS. While I suppose I can understand why a few of you have a crux regarding my party, I can appreciate the majority of you's respect in keeping that private, or at least not trolling us. The rest of you, it can be fun, Surrre(hell, I've trolled before. Not often though), but at the end of the day, do you feel better about it? Feel any manlier that you "stuck it to SSS"?

Or to the other side of the spectrum, does the other side feel better about "showing up FoH"? Walking away from this social clash, Its obvious we have major 3 factions of citizens that encompass the general populace.

In one area we have the FoH, or Fires of Heaven people. Called PTOers by some, mostly trolls by the other. In the other area we have the "RP fags" or such inclined parties or people who generally dislike FoH in general, either out of distrust or as victims of thier trolling and reciprocaters therof. in the final area we have the people who dont care. 2clickers, naturally, make up most of this section, but there are others who just couldnt give a crap if you gave them a laxative to do so.

What I'm wondering this late, is why it is we cant seem to find some sort of ceasefire between the two sides. This is the main reason we cant find unity as a nation. Somehow we cant forgive one another and move on. I log on each day and I almost hope in vain that some calamity befalls us. Why? because at such an event we'd probably cease to be FoH or SSS or RPfag. We'd be a unified eJapanese mass serving our country for the common good; not because it makes us look better, but because it makes us feel better.

Members of both sides, before you troll the other side, or hurl an insult, or publish your near-tabloid articles; I ask that you stop and think about it. If you can honestly consider that your article can bring any good at all rather than more malice. Press the button and bring it into being. If not, please move on with your elife and give unity a chance.

Thanks for reading