Asterian HQ

Day 2,422, 12:43 Published in Poland Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Like every 5th of the month we had elections for country president in erepublik.
In erepublik we have democracy and keep that because this is that what Greek official used as a trick to create the ticket alliance aka Asteria.
Let me remind you all that eGreece is founding member of Asteria.

In eGreece we had a surprise Panikk elected as country president even if some players that never did anything for eGreece beside bad troll didn’t like it. I can easily say that because of this incident most of them have already lost their sleep.
As we all know Panikk is member of Myrmidons a Greek MU that Greek officials during the creation of Asteria called terrorists. So far so good.

The problem starts with the Asteria alliance and most of all with the corrupted HQ an HQ that is used to defend democracy in eGreece only when proven thieves like Ektonosiakos pay their failed airstrikes with millions CC. An HQ parody which claims to treat countries equal even if we all know that they have a secret agenda. Current secretary General is TT Lighter a person who took part in the negotiations for the new alliance a person that was is and most probably will be against Myrmidons
even if he is wrong.

I wonder where their democratic instincts are now. Panikk is elected by people as country president and he never got invitation for the alliance channels. I know from first hand that he would never visit those channels but this doesn’t mean that they should keep him out. Where are the feelings of democracy and dialog now that a country president that they can’t control is elected? If next month Panikk is also CP they won’t invite him again? They will keep eGreece away for so long just because there isn’t someone there to pay for their failed airstrikes?
I already know that there is a Greek in the channels but he is not there with CP orders and for sure he doesn’t represent the countries interests since he is not the official representative.

If Asterian people really wanted to make a deference they would had tried to talk with him try to make the first step but instead they doing a step back. I wonder will they still decide for eGreece without eGreece? Is this democracy?

Last but not least I will quote you the text that they have in the alliance page

“Following the principles of friendship, brotherhood and moral values that are in the fabric of our nations, we form the ASTERIA which will be the foundation of future cooperation among our great nations. Let ASTERIA not be run by the rules that are imposed, but by friendship, brotherhood, mutual trust and understanding. Each document that derives from these principles will only be the reminder of the fact that we live in civilized society.”

You should change that because is all wrong. The only friendship that you will ever know is the one that is created with CO that fills your pockets an nothing else.