Another Run for Congress in Tohoku

Day 910, 22:19 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Konbanwa mina-san,

Tetsuya Tameru here. Today I'd like to officially announce my intent to run for congress in Tohoku. Yes indeed, as I said last time around I'd try again and indeed here we are again approaching next elections and I figured I'd actually publish my manifesto this time haha(I kinda forgot to last time due to RL).

Before I get into my own manifesto, a word of advice to candidates running for the first time. Ask your party presidents for permission first, its not only rather rude not to, but you might get labeled as a rogue candidate. Also, try to make a manifesto so that voters can tell you apart from the blockers. If you don't know what a blocker is, it might be a bit early for you to run for congress. Once you have a manifesto written, publish it in your newspaper. If you dont yet have one, as may be the case, Message it to me or someone else with a newspaper and I/we'll try to publish it for you. That, or borrow the 2 gold needed to make your own and start posting.

Now then, I shall begin.

where one stands in politics is a good thing to know. Sometimes it feels like we're all finding out where we stand and as the ground gets shaky we may move to another stance, or we may stand our ground. I'm not one for peer pressure, just good ideas and the most efficient ones.

Government run companies: I know I am for this type of activity. Our nation needs weapons, food, gifts, that good stuff. Although one could argue this fights the common players chances for business, without them life would be a bit more difficult and a bit more competitive. Also, our this category includes our training schools which churn out new workers for the economic job market.

West Japan: As one can probably tell from my articles, I am pro-war. I fully support dominion over West Japan. We don't really lose anything major from doing so, and we gain some important stuff such as companies, new workers and new taxes. Also, I'm sure we can all agree that subs and voting is up and media participation is at a high.

I advocate that occupation will ultimately help the South Coreans in the long run, even if they hate us for it. If it works, they'll thank us later. Right now they're a bit mad(understandably so), but that rage will die in time... probably. Regardless I believe we were(drunkenly walking) in line with the Righteous Nation Philosophy in helping our neighbor. Whats done is done, I'll follow the current path for better or worse; its not like we have a choice in the matter anyways and always advocate the that keeps Japan prospering.

Player Activity: Naturally I support actions that increase player activity. An inactive player-base means a crappy country. I'd try to increase player activity through the prompting of newspapers across japan to include instructions and links leading to our IRC and national forums. They cant like them if they cant find them, and sometimes you just need a reminder should that first message accidentally disappear *wink wink*

Alliances Abroa😛 I support our decision to be in Brolliance, although I believe that perhaps we should also be busier trying to make that Asian Alliance, the project that always seems to be on hold. I'd like to see us get the ball rolling and I'd help to try and make that first push since no-one else appears to be doing so(no offense intended if someone IS trying, though if something is going on, its not apparent to the rest of us)

Economy: I see we have an overabundance of grain now. As we all know, grain is, and probably will always be, the most useless of commodities. We only eat once a day; a fact that makes grain and (correlatively) food, a not too profitable business due to lower demand than, say, weapons, of which we need an incessant supply for training wars and more recently, aggressive actions. I'd support changes in taxes which favor local business in this sector, since our economy is always important. I confess I don't have any real ideas regarding proposals in this sector myself, nor a major opinion, but thats what discussions are for.

Victory Obelisk: I'm in favor of building one 😛

Don't you forget now,

Anyways, I wish all of us good luck in the upcoming elections. Dont forget if you arent running for congress to participate as a blocker to help prevent PTO. Be sure to coordinate with JEC personel, we have a lot more spots to cover this month due to new aquisition. Make sure you do your part!

Thanks for reading