Another Month Longer!

Day 5,272, 01:52 Published in USA USA by Kody5

I'm back, everyone. I was lurking in the shadows, enjoying my time as Pats VP and not having to write articles again. But I've forced myself to write again here and I'd like to formally announce my bid for my third CP medal. 

I know it's kind of lame to see the same guys running for CP again, but that's kind of how the game is nowadays. There's only a few of us left who hate ourselves enough to waste enough time on erep to matter. 

With that, I'd like to ask all parties to consider me for my third term and everyone to consider voting for me on the 5th again. 

If I am elected to my third term, I will do my best to bring new ideas to the table. I will revive the writers' guild and hopefully get some relevant articles pushed out to the public. I will also do my best to continue to guide us nationally and militarily. My goals will be to organize our damage better, to expand our influence through diplomacy, and to work closer with our Asterian allies. I will be reviving my own article chain of foreign affairs pieces. If elected, I want to bring certain nations that are friendly to the USA closer during my term. Foreign policy has always piqued my interest, and I hope to learn as much as I can about it during my term. I want to use the knowledge I have gained and the knowledge I already have to continue to steer the USA in the right direction. 

I want to continue all internal programs and possibly consider the addition of new ones if we can afford it. So my goals are similar to my first-term goals in communication and programs. I will also further my experience with foreign affairs and military operations. 

I have grown to love training wars, so I will also do my best to increase our supply of sustainable TWs to farm gold for you all.

So, if I can be blunt, there is not much positive change I can bring you all. Most likely, the country will be run in the same manner as it has been for the past three terms. I will expand where I can, change faces where it makes sense, and hopefully bring in fresh blood to help run the country. I enjoy having a group of diverse people to bring different ideas to the table, and I hope to expand the talent pool we have for our country. 

So this is it. I am running for CP again and I hope you all consider voting for me on the 5th. As is tradition, I will announce my cabinet closer to the election date.