Ambassador Update (ed. 2)

Day 824, 03:24 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

A brief update this week, highlighting a few events that happened.

Greece and Turkey
Greece has restarted its wars with Turkey, providing battles for Norway’s soldiers. The wars are based off real life habits according to Greece’s president Tall_niki.
The wars had a brief pause when Turkey impeached yet another president who was banned for multi accounts.

Poland this week impeached their president due to internal problems after the failure in North of Brazil and the loss of lots of money.

The wars in UK have been called off, due to an agreement made between the Phoenix and Eden. You can read President Sebulba’s statement on the wars here. The regions are starting to be handed back to the UK, but Ireland still holds Northern Ireland. Ireland is not required to give back any UK regions, since they are not Eden members.

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-Eris Caelestis, Minister of Foreign Affairs