Air Force MU Statistics for day 1,664

Day 1,664, 05:23 Published in USA USA by Ignas2526

At this point, my stats are one of the most comprehensive Military Unit stats in whole eRepublik, by amount of information they present.
I still have some ideas of what to add, but I'm running out of them, so if you have any ideas of what to add, write them in the comments.

TOP 40 by Level
01.     45     Jules Casey
02.     42     Disco Musolini
03.     42     HardCore RepubliCan
04.     41     Jemkira
05.     40     Heimathafen
06.     40     Pdeb
07.     39     creitzell
08.     38     The-Comedian
09.     38     dman326
10.     38     Henrik Tscth
11.     37     StarkAssociation
12.     37     krungthep
13.     37     unna343
14.     37     Red Velvet
15.     36     Ann Lali
16.     36     Polixiotto
17.     36     John Leafhill
18.     36     DrowningMan
19.     36     NGale
20.     35     JuX0
21.     35     ali_x
22.     35     Purple Wind
23.     35     TK421
24.     35     Chad Oliver
25.     35     SirZ
26.     35     Ignas2526
27.     35     tataryus
28.     34     David Cholesterol
29.     34     Bruce Anderson
30.     34     Ayero
31.     34     Paulerate98
32.     34     JohnKennedy
33.     34     Carson Ross
34.     34     MerLito
35.     34     Cowboy Neal
36.     34     libregkd
37.     34     Sabrina23
38.     34     shiloh13
39.     34     Bizzaro number one
40.     34     FindxThexWay

TOP 40 by Q6 Hit
01.     12,876     Jules Casey
02.      9,346     Pdeb
03.      7,853     The-Comedian
04.      7,515     Jemkira
05.      6,138     DrowningMan
06.      5,768     unna343
07.      5,712     Heimathafen
08.      5,652     Ann Lali
09.      5,631     Kemenyfy
10.      5,579     Disco Musolini
11.      5,452     HardCore RepubliCan
12.      5,293     TK421
13.      5,252     krungthep
14.      5,169     Kertsi
15.      5,164     Polixiotto
16.      4,843     Henrik Tscth
17.      4,812     SirZ
18.      4,667     MerLito
19.      4,650     colinpowell
20.      4,526     Xyrrath
21.      4,515     libregkd
22.      4,487     creitzell
23.      4,436     Chad Oliver
24.      4,433     Shqiperia Etnike Kuqezi
25.      4,384     tataryus
26.      4,340     Loren Sh
27.      4,096     Bruce Anderson
28.      4,013     Cowboy Neal
29.      3,974     Aogo
30.      3,931     dman326
31.      3,906     shiloh13
32.      3,867     John Leafhill
33.      3,858     Red Velvet
34.      3,799     Ayero
35.      3,780     R682818
36.      3,745     Sergi Politico
37.      3,727     FindxThexWay
38.      3,719     JohnKennedy
39.      3,715     fok33r
40.      3,711     ali_x

TOP 40 by Strength
01.      17,608.29     Jules Casey
02.      13,303.70     Pdeb
03.      11,497.95     The-Comedian
04.      11,179.88     Jemkira
05.       9,058.20     DrowningMan
06.       8,741.76     Kemenyfy
07.       8,640.10     unna343
08.       8,614.29     Ann Lali
09.       8,255.20     Heimathafen
10.       8,052.97     Disco Musolini
11.       7,896.29     TK421
12.       7,843.42     Kertsi
13.       7,832.43     krungthep
14.       7,725.00     HardCore RepubliCan
15.       7,556.53     Polixiotto
16.       7,428.50     colinpowell
17.       7,275.02     SirZ
18.       7,203.50     Shqiperia Etnike Kuqezi
19.       7,190.55     Henrik Tscth
20.       7,176.37     MerLito
21.       7,081.50     Xyrrath
22.       7,062.74     libregkd
23.       7,044.50     Loren Sh
24.       6,802.11     Chad Oliver
25.       6,591.50     tataryus
26.       6,514.02     creitzell
27.       6,249.84     Bruce Anderson
28.       6,230.10     JohnKennedy
29.       6,167.80     Aogo
30.       6,056.30     shiloh13
31.       6,000.01     Cowboy Neal
32.       5,991.65     John Leafhill
33.       5,972.50     fok33r
34.       5,904.14     Sergi Politico
35.       5,863.50     Red Velvet
36.       5,852.16     Bizzaro number one
37.       5,847.19     R682818
38.       5,761.30     dman326
39.       5,734.23     ali_x
40.       5,659.13     Ayero

TOP 40 by National Rank
01.         20     av khan
02.        143     Dweebso
03.        205     Jules Casey
04.        438     HardCore RepubliCan
05.        512     Disco Musolini
06.        627     Jemkira
07.        689     Heimathafen
08.        715     Pdeb
09.        867     creitzell
10.        932     dman326
11.        964     Henrik Tscth
12.        990     The-Comedian
13.      1,132     unna343
14.      1,152     krungthep
15.      1,227     Red Velvet
16.      1,230     StarkAssociation
17.      1,262     NGale
18.      1,301     DrowningMan
19.      1,323     Polixiotto
20.      1,340     John Leafhill
21.      1,403     Ann Lali
22.      1,415     Chad Oliver
23.      1,471     JuX0
24.      1,508     SirZ
25.      1,533     ali_x
26.      1,536     TK421
27.      1,549     Purple Wind
28.      1,560     tataryus
29.      1,584     Ignas2526
30.      1,612     Paulerate98
31.      1,632     Ayero
32.      1,668     JohnKennedy
33.      1,676     libregkd
34.      1,697     MerLito
35.      1,724     Carson Ross
36.      1,730     shiloh13
37.      1,731     David Cholesterol
38.      1,755     Bruce Anderson
39.      1,764     FindxThexWay
40.      1,771     Cowboy Neal

Air Force MU Average
Average Level: 30
Average Q6 Hit: 2394
Average Strength: 3809
Average National Rank: 2698

Air Force MU eBirthdays this month (YYYY.MM.DD)
Past ebirthdays this month
libregkd — 2008.6.1
Mudsquisher — 2010.6.1
Upcoming ebirthdays this month
The-Comedian — 2010.6.15
Ignas2526 — 2011.6.18
dan seller — 2010.6.18
Bizzaro number one — 2009.6.19
eShades — 2011.6.19
laron williams — 2009.6.28