Ahmed Mahmoud Ali has dream to be president of the most important Party in Egypt

Day 2,120, 14:08 Published in Egypt Egypt by Ahmed Mahmoud Ali

يضم حزب التحرير 88 عضوا نشيطا ويعتبر حزب التحرير اكبر الاحزاب عددا بين الاحزاب المصريه واللذي يشهد التاريخ بعطائه لمصرنا الحبيبه , وسيشهد بعد 5 ايام تنافسا شريفا علي رئاسه الحزب 17 مرشحا ويأتي ذللك محققا اكبر عدد مرشحين لرئاسه الحزب بين الاحزاب التسعه الموجوده في مصر وندعوا الله ان يكون الرئيس القادم للحزب رئيسا يلبي مطالب اعضاء الحزب وكذللك يحقق مبادئ الحزب من خلال سياساته المتميزه ودبلوماسياته التي تقود الي نهضه افضل وندعوا الله انا يكون هو الحزب الحاكم في البلاد ويأخذ نصيب الاسد في البرلمان المصري

المرشح / أحمد محمود علي محمود لديه أحلام بتحقيق رئاسه الحزب ولن يتحقق هذا بدون اصوات المصريين اللذين يحكمون علي المرشحين من خلال برامج انتخابيه صادقه

لقد تحدث المرشح كثيرا عن برنامجه الانتخابي في صندوق الدردشه الخاص بحزب التحرير,وفي لقاء خاص مع مراسل جريده التحرير بدأ كلامه بتقديم نفسه للجمهور وبعد ذلك تم شرح نقاط من برنامجه الانتخابي اللذي تهعد بتنفيذه في وقت قصير بشرط دعم جميع المصريين له وليس اعضائ حزبه فقط وايضا رؤساء الاحزاب الاخري لتنفيذ خطه قوميه .

in the beginning, I would like to introduce myself :
I am Ahmed Mahmoud
I am Petroleum Engineer
I have 27 years old
I live in Egypt
i am Married and have two daughter
i am Member in Egyptian Special Forces military unit
My title is Lt Colonel*
My Military Rank in Regiment (5) is the forth (4)
i am Member in 7izb Al Tahrir Party as you and I am a candidate for the presidency of the party in the next elections
i have Newspaper called Al Tahrir Newspaper ( for the Egyptians )

my program is as follow :
1- Includes reforms inside the party.
2- party restructuring.
3- activating the principle of participation in decision making.
4- economic sufficiency.
5- integration between members.
6- My Target is to achieve the lion's share in the next congress elections more than 3 chairs .
7- making An alliance with the powerful and national parties to liberate the congress from foreign people and to be the president of Egypt is Egyptian man.
8- Hold a national dialogue between the political parties to return all Egypt Lands and coordination with military units to prepare for the day of liberation in parallel with a diplomatic steps with the enemy.
9- support for Egypt Economic.
10- sharing in military unit to liberate our land.
11- Establishment of a committee wealthy party.
12- Establishment of a committee to draft a constitution worthy of the party.
13- My goal is presence one Egyptian party versus one foreign party.
we will not win with out achieving unity in every things in economic , military , and in political aspects.
there is more plans to achieve this program , i need support from my party members and from other party presidents and from any citizen in Egypt.
i cant win in this program with out others.