ADF Revival

Day 3,251, 21:39 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

New Leadership

Greetings fellow men at arms, I am the new ADF Marshall My plan to inporve the ADF for the current administration is both simple and challenging
1. increase activity
2. continue supply of weps
3. increase ADF numbers

drill instructor instructs cadet how to properly drink alcohol

As all of you know the ADF is Austrlaia's national MU, however it has gone a little down hill for a little while now. I am looking to switch this around, and making the ADF a "fun" MU to be in and cause it to have a little diversity from the other MUs I hope that this will not only invigorate current members but also drive the numbers up.


Weapon supply will still remain at the same quantity, however I hope to extend the supply through various activities. I know that this will both increase activity, aswell as productivity. The first shipment of weapons will arrive shortly. ADF members can expect a couple messages from me over the next 24 hours.

Military officials inspecting supplies before they are shipped out

I look forward to hearing from you

Forever yours,

ADF Marshall Nicky6Fingers