Adding The Queen to the Game

Day 598, 06:37 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Balkan Beast

There has been a topic in both the Society & Politics sections of the forums. These topics i speak of, Are about adding Queen Elizabeth II to the game... I Believe its a horrible idea , The One the guy purposed was she be a "Cultural Head" , This has no purpose & would make it pointless to add her, This just draws more RL Things into eRepublik that aren't needed. We need to focus on more important matters than this.

I Posted my views in the forums, & the guy who started it (I wont say his name if you want to know look for it yourself) Wasnt happy at all and sent me a happy little message which sai😛
People that slate the Queen in real life are uninformed....seriously do your research and you will see what the Queen does, just because its not splashed all over the press. Type her into youtube or something,, anything but until you actually know what she does you will never understand or have the right to an opiniion in the matter, because its people like you that will ultimately be this countrys downfall, when we loose the one last shred of identity we have and get rid of the Queen."

The eUK seems to have been doing fine without a Queen as far as i've seen,But the funniest part of all i thought of his heart warming message, is that his best source is youtube 🙂 , whats next wikipedia? lulz.

What do you think about the matter? Leave that in comments, or PM me yourself. If its negative do the PM 😁, Hope you Suscribe & Vote this up 😁.

Have a Nice Day!