A Whole Year

Day 1,215, 07:51 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Well look at that. I’ve officially been playing eRepublik for a whole year today.

I started when V1 was on its way out the door, and weathered the infamous V2 changes that killed half the community.

I witnessed the fall of the USWP, AAP, DemReps, as well as the rise of the APF. I was there when the USWP was reborn, and could not have been happier when that day came.

I was Party President of the greatest party in the world, the USWP, for two months.

During this time, I was also the second most popular senator ever recorded (right behind former Deputy Speaker Mr. Hyphenated)

I became the youngest President of the United States in the last year (which earned me the gayest looking monument in the country, but meh 😛).

In the last year, I earned every medal but one, the society builder. Getting my triple crown took forever, as well as half of my fortune 😮. I did about 100k to get the medal.

I watched legends die, Thrive, and be born.

I’m grateful for all of the awesome people I have met in the last year. You all are what keep me here. Nuri, Liggy, Krems, Glove, JMC, Brad, Soren, Claire, Colin, Leroy, Evan, Jude, Cromstar, Scheiss, A^2, all of my Guard Brothers and Sisters, Syrup, gosh, at this point, the list goes on and on. I can’t name you all! If I didn’t name you, feel free to leave an angry comment :3

I’m also grateful for the political enemies I’ve made over the year. CRoy, Newton, Pfeiffer, Emerick, you guys all make the game interesting for me, and I sure do love arguing all the time ^_~

I’ve made a lot of international friends as well. I learned that Croatians and Romanians are really cool people, Brasilians are great friends, and loyal allies, and the French are dedicated to our new friendship.

Thanks to everyone!!


Just a crazy ex-POTUS