A victory for Japan!

Day 900, 15:22 Published in Philippines Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Earlier today amid the fire and smoke the Japanese flag was placed victoriously on the battlefield in land that was formerly South Korean. Gyeongsangbuk-do was conquered by Japan in the war versus South Korea.

Germans, Austrians, Theocrats and South Koreans battled on the defending side while Japanese, Americans and others. (I'd publish more statistics for both sides but the site that shows me has yet to update :/ )

This marks a good start for the war for Japan and the first province has been liberated.

Unfortunately, Alfagrem has made the next move for South Korea and is RWing Jeju, Japan. Any assistance rendered in the first battle is most appreciated and I thank you. If you'd like, we invite you to again fight on our side; this time at Jeju.

Thanks for reading

PS: I've yet to see who your new governing administration is beyond Keegan being president. If one of you could inform me as to such info, much appreciated. I'll try to pop into your forums later today(although your forums make my computer lag for some reason T.T). If you're trying to reach me at the embassy there, keep in mind its much faster to PM me in game. As always I'm open to questions and regular conversation and I'll be on your IRC later tonight.