A Typhoon of Interesting Events

Day 481, 11:37 Published in China China by Laffopuritain

Today in eChina, there are many interesting events I'd like to discuss.

1. Food2Rax's Impeachment

As logo said, the impeachment of food passed 6-3, making logo the new president of eChina. The reasoning for the vote is unsure, as shevade, a irl friend of food, proposed the impeachment and left for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the Chinese Equality Party (and myself) seized upon the chance to oust food2rax from the presidency, citing the fact that food had not given any news concerning the bid for Beijing.

During the impeachment vote, I spoke with logomaster several times on IRC concerning what he should do with the bank of China. Food2Rax and Logomaster both had the password to the establishment, and I urged logo to change the password and email of the organization, and to write an article letting everyone know that it was done for safekeeping, and that if the vote didn't go through, he would change the password back.

He did not do so.

And now all of the money in the ebank has been looted. Unfortunately, the donation logs for the bank show no withdrawals. The money must have been ciphoned out through the monetary market. Therefore. we can not be sure weather food or logo took the money. I am, however, willing to give logomaster the benefit of the doubt in this matter for the moment.

2. Party Presidency.

I am the only candidate running for the party presidency for the Democratic Party of China, and Modelcon is the only candidate for the Chinese Equality Party. I urge everyone who can to get your experience by doing the thing that will not make any difference except to yourself- voting. It is quick, it is easy, it is free. It gives you experience.

3. Q1 Hospitals

I saw Logo's article concerning the hospital, and am disgusted by it. For those of you who don't know, a hospital gives members who us it a wellness boost after fighting equivalent to 10x the hospitals quality. A Q1 hospital, therefore, will raise the wellness of a fighter by 10 after they fight. There is one problem with this- you lose 10 wellness from fighting, and you can only use a hospital once per day.

Also, every one of the countries that might attack eChina has at least one Q5 hospital. meaning that their soldiers will be able to fight 4x more than ours. In case anyone didn't know, Indonesia could fight with 1/3 of its force, and not use a hospital, and still take over eChina extremely easily. A Q1 Hospital at this point is worthless and a waste of money.

This hospital will NOT
-raise citizens wellness
-protect us from invasion

but it will
-waste money we could use to possibly pay for Beijing's liberation
-Give money to the people who supposedly stole from our bank.

Congressmen, Vote NO to the bill.
I have.

4. Parties and congress

Now that I will be president of the DPC, I urge anyone who left the party due to Food's TO of it to return.

The DPC will stand for higher taxes to fund liberation of our homeland. I am looking around the 7/1/15 area for all products.

The DPC will stand for democracy. Members will have the chance to vote in a presidential Primary, and will basically choose who the DPC will support for president.

The DPC will always make sure its members have a fair wage with their employer, and if the don't, the DPC will work with employers to offer its members a better wage.

The DPC promotes multi-party politics. I single-handedly funded the creation of the Chinese Equality Party to run against the DPC in elections.

If this sounds like the ideals you stand for, I urge you to move to the DPC. Also, if you will be level 12 or higher come congressional election times, the DPC wants you to run!

So come on down now! Sunniedaysmiles is baking up a fresh batch of cookies!