A table filled...

Day 1,830, 21:00 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

There are parties innumerable in the United States of America, but in the last three and a half years I've played this game, perhaps the most stable and memorable party in the country is the United States Workers Party.

My birth had no American Freedom Alliance. No American Military Party. I came into a world where the USWP reigned supreme. Where players like scrabman, ProggyPop, Ligtreb, Woxan, Josh Frost, and Harrison Richardson featured prominently as more than just servants to the country, but in fact, as model citizens of the game.

Looking back, the idea that such a wide range of individuals, each one with their own specialty, be it military, diplomacy, foreign policy, propaganda, or any mixture of those and more, coexisted and worked together in a cohesive unit to control what I consider to be the most successful party in the history of the country, is absolutely stunning.

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Through thick and thin, whether it be the physical dissolution of the party or a fall from prominence, the USWP has proven time and time again to attract individuals devoted to the tenets of professionalism, progressiveness, passion, and proficiency. Players like Pfeiffer, Artela, Inwegen, and Fhaemita Malodorous continue to exemplify these qualities that have been professed continuously for what is fast approaching five years.

This month, I urge you, ladies and gentlemen, to consider joining and voting for the United States Workers Party for congressional elections. The USWP has long provided a standard for all facets of eRepublik life. Friends, join a table filled with greatness.

Vote for the USWP. Vote for tradition. Vote for excellence. Vote for the A-Team.