A Short Tragic Tale of the Fall of eBE

Day 2,338, 19:52 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

eBelgium in my opinion is lost. Not because it is being invaded by Pakistan but it is lost from within. As stated many times in the past, eBelgium is being PTOed mainly from Croatian and Serbians. While their government does not condone it, the fact is, eBE is being PTOed for more than a year now. However until now, most of the legitimate community were able to keep them at bay. The wipe for 1/2 a year now was aimed to hold the PTOers at check. This article is an article about eBE and its internal politics from my perspective.

The following list are the actors in the fall of eBE and their role/ position. Note this is not a complete list but that of the most vocal and active.

-Vincent Pain
-GW Junior

Croatian/ Serbian PTOers
-Thorin II Oakenshield (Part of the Shoe People who tried to PTO eUS)
-Texas Cowboy X
-Aries Sun
-Marko Kil
-Joep Heop

Trolls, and other people who sides with the PTO due to personal hatred of the community/ or some members of the community
-Tony Clifford

For a lack of a better word, Naive people
-Yannis now named Chihiroh
-Boer Jan
eNLers who support the PTOers
-van Spjick now known as M. de Ruyter

Trusted eBEers/ eBE establishment
-Mr. Wonka
-Fhaemita/ Valeyard

Trusted but not so active

Current CP of eBE

For a few years now, there is a group of radical leftist in eBelgium who seeks power. It is hard to clearly classify them as Marxist or anarchist but regardless of what they are, they are superficial leftist. They quote and use Marxist rhetoric without proper comprehension of leftist theory. Their main grievance with the government was the lack of government funding for their MU. They claimed they are tax payers and they demand gov funding like that of state MU's. Their demands are warrantless as at the time they were making the demands, they were paying .10 CC a day. They demand the same amount support as the national MU for a weak private MU that pays.10 CC a day. In addition, they seek political domination. They view the national forums is a means of oppression and seeks to abolish it. In their vision, all congress votes and issues are done via public referendums in the media section of the game. They also pushed for open borders and the abolition of all immigration laws and tradition. They break their own rules as they held public referendums on the immigration issues and they lost by like 95 percent of those who "voted." The community does not care about their radical ideas other than the key issue of immigration.

Unsatisfied with the referendum results, they continue to accept illegal CS's. Their leaders like Vincent Pain travel around the eWorld spreading lies and recruiting other radical minded people to join eBE and to help them overthrow the "Forum Fascist." The first main groups of PTOers were Greek. After the Greek group gave up, they now focus on the Croats. The Croatian PTOers are opportunist and does not share the same radical ideas as of the Greeks. However, they are using the Radicals as a means to get into eBE.

About half a year ago, it was decided that eBE cannot hold out against the PTOers anymore. They were able to get more and more illegal immigrants into eBE and they reached to 50/50 range in the congress. While they are not taking the CP elections yet, the trend continues to grow with time in their favor. Therefore, to block them from future incursions, the government and a good amount of the trusted members of the community decided a wipe was necessary.

The tales of eBE is mired by many internal conflicts. In a way, it is like a dysfunctional family. When MaryamQ was CP, she assigned Valeyard as the eBE ambassador to eNL. Valeyard is an experienced player and is RL Dutch. This would be a great candidate for the post. However, M. de Ruyter does not like Valeyard. M. de Ruyter when he was CP of eNL during the year plus wipe of eNL planned to PTO eSouth Africa. He wants to recreate the Boars in South Africa and make it the new eNL. Valeyard leaked M. de Ruyter's plans and M. de Ruyter wants revenge. He closed our embassy and even threaten Mr. Wonka, our MoFA of the time. The tension between eBE and eNL remained high, but it was during this time period, M. de Ruyter began to work with the PTOers and Radicals in eBE. He started leaking information and our meetings to the PTOers and radicals but it was not until Valeyard became CP of eBelgium, did he overtly support the PTOers. He even declares Valeyard and myself as PTOers but all eNL parties except's M. de Ruyter's own GPN listened to him.

JDlF is another problem in which the radicals and PTOers capitalized on. After MaryamQ's administration, NLSP became the next CP. NLSP and JDlF had a huge disagreement over the baking managers. The idea was to have bank managers is to give a large sum of our treasury to a few trusted members of our community like MaryamQ. Since JDlF had a disagreement with NLSP, he jump ship and he pushed for the unwipe. He questioned and tried to undermine the NLSP administration and gave a voice to the PTOers and Radicals.

Then there are people like Yannis and Boer Jan. They are good people all in all but I think they are naive. They are the people who claims to be open minded and even believe in working with the PTOers. They are the group which tried to reason with the PTOers and believe to "share power" and accept them. Some of them push for acceptance of the PTOers as they believe in including them into the community. They either do not see the risk or believe in inclusion is the solution. But this is a PTO and not a democratic election. They pump in members who joins and vote for their parties. The PTO continue to attack legit members of the community and drove many of them out of the country. I do not understand why they continue to give talking points and a voice for the PTOers instead of the people who are fighting hard to keep eBE PTO free.

During the wipe, the PTOers and Radicals went on the offensive. They attacked members of the community. They attacked people base on their age and gender. They even found out a person's real name and used it in their attacks against members of the community. One of the main leaders in the hate campaign is Shadowukcs who is banned from the forums due to the use of multies. Shadow has a long and dark history. From lying, stealing, trolling and harassment his misdeeds are well documented in eBE history.

Overall, there is a lack of unity in eBE. Despite the good intentions and sound policies of the establishment, we faced pressure from many sides. There are some in eNL who gave a voice to the PTOers and radicals to a point in which eNL congress did hold a vote on accepting the PTOers and Radical voice as the official voice of Belgium. It failed but it did give a platform and a voice to the Radicals and PTOers. There are those trouble makers who sides with the PTOers due to spite. This too give a voice to the PTOers. Lastly, there are those who think they are open minded and seek to include the PTOers as part of the community. They too give a voice to the PTOers and radicals. The point of the wipe is to halt their expansion and to bore them to death. The point is to make them helpless, powerless, and voiceless to a point which they will give up and leave. These factors prevented the wipe to be successful as the anti-PTO efforts are being undermined by a few Dutch like M. de Ruyter and from within.

Many of our community left eBE for eUK. Many of them are tired of the harassment and for some, the sense of ungratefulness. Many in the community gave real life money, time and effort into the community. They built it up and really created a progressive country with a strong social net. It is not about power dominance and sole political control. The establishment cares not about nationality etc but about following eBE laws and traditions. Most stable countries in the eWorld has an immigration policy. eGermany has such a policy for security reason. When a party violates this rule and recruits foreigners to overthrow the existing means of governance is a PTO. They care not of working together etc. But regardless of logic, the establishment now is viewed as the bad guys. The Radicals and PTOers now are bold to even call the establishment the "real PTOers" as we aim to prevent them from getting power. Many people are tired of this for a lack of a better word, BS and left. Many of the people are tired to give and give and only to be shouted at for trying to save the community.

I too am personally tired. eBE is a wonderful community with warm and kind people. It was a true melting pot of cultures. It is very diverse from RL Belgians, Americans, Hungarians, Czechs, Macedonians, Serbians ,etc . It was a true leftist paradise as there was a comprehensive social net in which players can get free tanks and even gold to strength train. All of this is gone as many people left. Many of the programs are a shadow of what it is. But in the end, the negativity of some really wore me out. While I am not the only one, but the Radicals and PTOers use bullying tactics to get people out. For me, they use my homosexuality as an weapon against me. If you want, you can read more about it here But overall, this is the weapon they used often. In the past, Shadowukcs bullied his rivals out like Ward de Beaver. In the case of Ward de Beaver, he was trolled and attacked due to his Jewishness. Despite his misdeeds are well documented, our tickets were ignored and his deeds are tolerate in eRep. As for me, I am just tired of the hate. While at times the things they say can be hurtful, I am just exhausted. I just do not want to deal with such hollow hatred and I do not feel the community is healthy for me. So I move on. For the game is about fun and these people ruined the fun for me. So I seek to have fun in eGermany again. Thank you Black Baroness for everything you did in the past few days to help me deal with the political crisis in eBE.

With Jofroi as the current CP, his actions are limited. Most of the people left eBE for good with only a handful of people from the trusted group remains. Jofroi is an unorthodox person but in the end, he sided with the inclusion group. While he might not be naive, he tries to salvage as much power for himself and a few clients who support him. I am not a fan of what he did. He made ChristjianxD a PTOer to be his vice president. For me, this is problematic as Jofroi is being pragmatic in his own way, but is giving legitimacy to the PTOers. For government post holds legitimacy. In essence, Jofroi is giving the PTOers legitimacy and a means to consolidate power. While it might be good for Jofroi's political future, this too greatly hinders the ousting and combating of the PTOers as they are officially recognized. There are some radicals and PTOers suggesting an immigration policy especially when they consolidate power in congress again. Their parties holds a substantial amount of congress seats. When they feel they have the upper hand, now they want some immigration control, as they do not want to lose power. This suggest that they are not the idealist and leftist they claim to be. In the end, it all comes to political domination. They are PTOers.

This creates an interesting position for eGermany. While eBelgium is a friend of eGermany, the people who made and built this friendship are in eUK now. Many of the radicals are against imperialism and are rather reckless. The leadership of the Radicals, especially Vincent Pain have strong ties to M. de Ruyter and Norway which is hostile to both eBE and eGermany. While I am not saying we should cut ties to eBelgium, but I am saying the Belgium of old, does not exist anymore. I urge German policy makers to make a mental note of the composition of the Belgian government and community before placing all of their trust in this country. As eBelgium is less stable. I predict sooner or later the Radicals and PTOers would not see eye to eye indefinitely.

As to me now, I am not sure what I will do. It seems I always come back to eGermany. I guess eGermany is my eHeimat. I have been to eUS, eNL and eUK. While I like them very much, but they are not home. eBE felt most like home until the Radicals and PTOers hijacked the country. eGermany is my safe haven as it is stable and peaceful. I want to end with declaring my faith in Germark. I think Germark is a great enterprise of both peoples. I really admire the Danes for I think the Belgians can really learn from them. Players need to be long sighted. Instant gratification does not exist. When combating PTOs it does not take place one month but many many months. The problem with eBE is the lack of patience. In addition to the problems I mentioned above, many of them are unable to tolerate being off the map for a longer duration. For they claim it is not "fun." They either do not care or do not see the dangers of a PTO. Regardless, their short sightedness caused them to be PTO soon.

Fun Fact: This short tale contains 2409 words