A Series of Results

Day 2,294, 09:29 Published in USA USA by Hale26


Not much to joke on, really. After all these PoTUS articles, which is a welcome change, any vague title could be mistaken for a campaign pitch. I must admit, I’m liking this campaign season. Everyone is bringing about a different focus, interesting media and most importantly; Not being “above the fray” pansies

Even if pansies is such an...overused, term.

Seems like some actual discourse is happening. That’s good. I’ve been taking part in some of that myself, over in the WTP Threads. Feel free to check that out. So far it’s been affirmed that Aramec likes Ass. I’ve also got some hard questions for Tyler that should ease some of my confusion, and a masterpiece with Gnil. I asked him, like, f**king 20 questions. I think I might have single-handedly outdone the Federalist party there.

Which was my main goal, all along~

Think I’ve written enough words to convince you this isn’t a pitch. Onto the real stuff,

This is going to be a mixed article, detailing some personal stuff and party stuff as WeThePeople Vice Party President. I’ll be covering the Voter’s Rights referendum, Congress Results, the PoTUS Primary and Writer’s Work.

Quite a lot for a single article. I’ll do my best to cover it all,

...After an apology.

Notice my last article. Essentially, I had ran on a platform to be a more fun and active Congressman. Despite a rather decent initial start, this platform wasn’t fulfilled. The logic behind launching a rather brilliant, time consuming initiative over Christmas sure wasn’t good, was it?

I let many people down in this run, despite whatever efforts that were put forward. I’m happy to say I was part of the most active and fun Congress in recent memory. Happy to say I got a thing or two passed, like the motion to repeal the elitist State’s Rights and some messing with Georgia. Good stuff.

But by no means can it outweigh a failed platform. Deepest apologies.

That being said, I still owe around 27 days of a mandate. At some point, without a Congress badge, I’m hoping to fulfill those 27 days I owe in Congress Service. Till that time I deliver on what I outlined, I will not be running for Congress again.

Voter’s Rights Results.

Shortly after PP elections I brought forward a discussion on the long-standing issue of “Leadership” bonus. In the earlier days of WeThePeople, it was decided that we would allow Congressmen and members of Leadership +2 and +3 to their votes in the WTP Congress Primaries. The goal was to protect the party from extreme swings during the days when our base was still forming. It seemed fair enough at the time.

It is a shame it took this long, but the hypocrisy of this unwritten declaration has been realized. Having such a practice in a populist party, and allowing the use of undefined terms such as leadership, is just silly.

I’m happy to say that the motion I put forward to remove this useless practice passed with a 83% majority. 10 yes, 1 no, 1 abstained.

Congratulations, WeThePeople. You just had your first weighting free Congress Primaries.

Personally, it’s not the result I’m impressed with; It’s the discussion and debate my motion brought forward, as shown here. 20+ replies and 100+ views isn't bad at all. Part of what makes WeThePeople the best is our ability to get engaged in political discourse.

The passing of this motion shows that the Populist ideals of healthy communication, healthy political discourse, ease of voting and public, active Leadership are doing exceptionally well. Here at WeThePeople, we don’t just believe in democracy; We live it. No other party puts the effort into promoting the democratic process that we do.

Here’s to true, free elections. Good job WeThePeople.


Congress primaries were...a mixed bag, really. On one hand, we doubled voter participation. In a single month we went from worringly low levels of participation to over 30 votes being cast. I would love to give the exact number, but I sadly cannot while the CP Primaries are in session.

On the other, our Congressmen put out a stunningly low 2 articles trying to get people’s vote. Shouts were up tremendously but neverless, it seems Congressmen need to be reminded of the importance of articles.

Unfortunately, the party did terribad this month during Congressionals; We came in 5th place, overall. I mean, you know it’s bad when the only real highlight of your erep-day on Congressionals is seeing the PoTUS misstep on a party jab.

Neverless, WeThePeople is a party born of tight spots and hard places. Going back to our months of being an ATO wasteland we have learned to work with adversity to our advantage. I’m of the opinion that we haven’t lost this skill.

Results be damned, we still elected a wonderful delegation. Join me in offering a firm congratulations to our 8 elected Congressmen;

Do us proud, gentlemen.

I must also commend the Federalists, USWP, AMP and LAP for their fine performances. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to watching this congress in action.

WeThePeople POTUS Primary

The 2014 March WTP PoTUS Primary has opened! To give your say on who WeThePeople should nominate for PoTUS in the upcoming March presidential elections, please click the link to vote~ http://www.ereptools.tk/elections/

If you cannot vote, please let me know and I’ll get to the bottom of it.

Before voting I encourage all of you to check out the media and posts made by the Presidential candidates. For a quick summary of all Presidential media, please read the “Campaign Article Compilation (March 2014)” written by WeThePeople’s own Tanishq.

To see all the posts, get yourself over onto the WeThePeople public forum board and check out each candidate’s post. Highlights; Gnilraps beating Aramec out on dedication to ass and Asian Women (a real highlight of his campaign for me) and Tyler B attracting poli-types to his thread.

Best of luck to all our candidates. I can't say I'm not giddy to see who wins this race.

Writing Blitz

Final announcement of the article; WeThePeople will be founding a party newspaper.

One of the two general strategies adopted for this term was an increased media prescense, which was starting decently till University exams caught up with Triwolf, and increased political participation. Now that we’ve made inroads to great political participation (with more in store!), it’s time to revamp the party’s appearance in the media.

Do you want to take part in writing for our WHPR-esque party paper? Feel like covering war, social interactions, foreign diplomacy, gossip and party stuff?

Shoot me a Private Message and I’ll contact you within 24 hours.

First edition due out for around... midweek, I'll say. Stay tuned for more!

That’s all for this update. Triwolf has been busy with University, hence the inability to post an article like this himself. Rest assured, he's free now and will be back in the media in no time.

Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend (and looking forward to Sunday’s Newsletter!),

WeThePeople Vice Party President.