A new eRep game: eRep band manager!

Day 2,018, 08:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Cooke4444
Right, now it is your chance to create and manage your own band. Fill in the form and we'll be underway in a short time... 😉

So I will explain it like the form to join is made up:


Step 1: Band name

Well, that's fairly obvious isn't it.

One rule here: BE CREATIVE, don't use existing groups!!!

Step 2: Genre

Another obvious one 😛.
Mind that there are a lot of genres. Any genre is okay, except a cover band. Do mind that this choice will highly affect your choices/popularity in the rest of the game!

Step 3: Members

You can choose up to 6 members in your band. If you don't want so many, you can go with a solo-artist, duo, trio,...
Each member can maximum do two things. You don't have to give each member two skills, it's up to you if you want this.
With skills I mean INSTRUMENTS OR VOCALS. Don't put "manager" or so. 😛

Step 4: eRep name

Well, duh

Step 5: Focus

What does your band want to become? A headliner on a festival? A classical arrangement? Fill giant stadiums on your own? It's up to you.

Mind that this is very linked to the genre you play!

Step 6: Curiosities

No need to fill this is, but it could make your band's career more fun: is your lead singer an alcohol addict, does your bass player destroys his equipment after each gig,...

Step 7: Logo

Fill in a link to a picture which suits your band or represents it.

That's it for the form!

More info about the game mechanics will be published later.

JOIN NOW (and you can get some money during the game 😉)


An example of a form:

Name: Satan
Genre: Death metal
Member 1: vocals + electric guitar
Member 2: electric guitar
Member 3: Bass + backing vocals
Member 4: Drums
Member 5: Violin + Trumpet
eRep name: Cooke4444
Focus: Festivals
Curiosities: the lead singer eats bats for breakfast
Logo: http://hansdc.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/never-gonna-give-you-up-wide.jpg