A loveletter to admins

Day 2,579, 00:45 Published in Serbia South Korea by HMS Dreadnought
Dear Everyone!

From time to time I send a loveletter to admins just to keep our lovelife fresh and exciting. After today's update I sent a new ticket and I am eager to see their response 🙂

Here it is:

Dear Admins!

I just wanted to keep our lovely communication alive.

By the way, one important question: Are you getting your ideas for your updates from a mental hospital or something? Or you manage to put together these updates without any help from 'official' retards.

1 week of double consumption? Really??? Like, REALLY??? After it took 3 years to realize this is your solution? Enlighten me please, what will it solve exactly and how? You must have done your study based on economics, so I'm really interested.

A quick reminder: if you want to fix your 'game', take a look and make some notes:

Oh and maybe make it happen until january if you don't want to lose everyone and everything.



OH, I found another fan on the shoutwall 🙂

A loveletter to admins