A Fire Side Chat With Trito Fisher.

Day 3,179, 05:38 Published in Ireland USA by Waler R. Pain
Greetings my fellow eIrish brothers and sisters!

Ok all you loyal eHardTime readers today I have something fresh and new an exclusive interview with The Parties own Trito Fisher! I know I know, I’m excited too! Over the next few weeks I'm going to be trying to publish at least one interview, and god willing one of my normal issues. Doesn't matter who you are or what you have to say,

I want to hear it!

Without further delay Trito Fisher everyone!

(Waler): Maybe a little backstory for those who aren't that well acquainted
So who is Trito Fisher?

(Trito): I've been playing eRepublik for 3 years with this account, and 2 years before that with another one. Most of my time with this account, I've been an eIrish citizen, and my activity is on and off. I usually did not have any reason to keep 2-clicking, but now I see some purpose to this game, and I can thank our government for that
Check my profile for more info.

(Waler): I might as well come out guns a blazin. I see you are running for PP of the EA. May I ask what prompted this ambitious move, and what it will mean for the EA?

(Trito): I was PP for two months before, in April and May, and I want to return to the position of PP, with the approval of my fellow party members, to further improve EA and make the voices of the Majority heard. I don't plan to change much in how EA is run because Kevin has done an excellent job with that recently. Mostly, I plan to heavily increase EA's media presence and allow ALL party members to share their thoughts on how the gov. should proceed in the future. That was the ideal of the April Rising, every citizen, not just congressmen, sharing his or her thoughts about what is BEST for eIreland. I'm planning on writing an article detailing more of my plans as the election date nears. Stay tuned!

(Waler): I assume the line "Believing in independent political thought and that there is strength in diverse minds" being removed will be your first action?

(Trito): That's simply not true. There IS strength in diverse minds and ideas, as long as those ideas are not negative and counter-productive. In my latest article, I simply stated my belief that the ILP leadership is unreasonable, and should not be involved in discussion any longer. All other political parties have had open minds, willing to discuss absolutely everything. NOT SO with the ILP leadership. I ask current ILP members: Are WHS and Tatlock really representing your interests? Personally, if I were truly leftist, i would join the IRF, they're at least true leftists and revolutionaries, with open minds thinking about what is best for eIreland.

(Waler): Well as much as I would like to speak as party spokesman(things didn’t work out) for the IRF. I can at least say it’s refreshing to finally see us actually getting some credit for once.

(Waler): I also notice that the position on MoC seems to be vacant any plans on filling this seat in the near future?
(Trito): I will probably be too busy with being EA's PP to focus on the MoC, Kevin could possibly take this role. HOWEVER: ANY Irish citizen willing to put up the effort is certainly able to try and do the job.

(Waler): what is the ideal eIreland according to the soon to be PP of the EA?

(Trito):The Ideal eIreland is


(Waler): So we had the maple invasion. Something not so uncommon if my eIrish history is correct, and we brushed them off once again. Using that as a point of reference, who would you say is our biggest threat hypothetically?

(Trito): We have borders with the US, the UK, and previously Canada. Now, Canada can attack us, but we have better organization and would probably win most wars with them. I see the biggest problem being Serbia and Romania, countries which are right at our border now due to rental agreements with their satellite state, Canada. The Government of eIreland plans on holding our Canadian territories until Canada has a change in administration (replacing Rylde with someone more reasonable) and negotiations ensue.

There you have it right from the Fishers mouth!

Peace out!