A Candid Interview With Acacia Mason

Day 729, 16:41 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

The Northern Telegraph recently sat down with Acacia Mason to learn a little more about him. In a 15 question interview spanning the subjects such as, “On Himself”, “On The Military” and, “On Politics” a tell all about Mr. Mason is unveiled. We hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Mason thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Lets begin:

On yourself:

where were you born?

I was eBorn in Ontario, the same province I call home in RL

Who has been your mentor thus far?

Well I would have to say that there are many people who have mentored me thus far but if your asking who’s inbox I have flooded the most and asked the most questions of, I would have to say its a close race between Banach and Tyler F Durden.

Which political party did you align with and why?

I chose the CPF because they are right of centre and in RL I am a right of centre kind of guy. I would also say that I chose the CPF because they seemed to fit closely with my guiding principles on democracy...and, well, they’re just plain cool.

Your a known Freemason in eCanada. Do you think that has helped or hindered you?

Well, it may surprise people to hear that I think it has helped me. Masonry has taught me to be accepting and respectful whenever possible. I think that when people see that in me (and hopefully they see that), they will see that I am only trying to do my part for eCanada. I also hope that by watching and learning more about me in eCanada, their initial thoughts about Freemasonry might shift.

Your still very much a new player, any regrets to this point?

Actually yes, only one really. I regret the way the incident with Mr. Duncan unfolded. When your a new player, you hope to be able to learn as much as you can. When Mr. Duncan took the time to reply to my initial thread about launching the Grand Lodge Of Canada, I was genuinely excited to meet him and learn from him. Unfortunately, we all know where that took us. I guess I regret that I never got the chance to learn from him. You don’t get to his role without knowing your way around. I only wish I could have had that chance. That would be my one regret to this point.

On The Military

You joined the CAF recently, why was that?

Actually, truth be told, I started Brucks Canucks. The hardest thing I have done to date was resigning from the Canucks. Rylde and Bruck took in this new guy who didn’t have a clue, gave him a job and welcomed him only to have him up and leave for the CAF. For me, having served for so long in the RL CAF as an Officer, I felt like the eCAF was the place for me. I owe a huge debt to Rylde and Bruck though...and I need to make sure they know I only left because my first love is and always will be the CAF. It was like dating the other woman only to later find out your first love wants you back.

How are you finding life in the Rangers

Rangers is everything I hoped it would be. My boys in 5th Platoon rock! We just got back from our first tour of duty in Malaysia and it felt like old times to me. If your new and waiting to be assigned, be patient, its worth it. My C.O., The Grinch, is great. He keeps me informed and is a great Commander. I also enjoy the communication we get from Christian Doe.

Are you planning on going Reg Force or Reserves?

If High Command will have me, I want to go Reg Force. Its all or nothing with me. I live life to the fullest and I think the Reg Force speaks to me on many levels. I am not ready to move to that branch yet, but I am getting close and when I do...sign me up!

What’s next for 5th Platoon?

I would tell you but then I would have to kill you HAHA

What are your long term Military aspirations?

Great question. I would say that my goal is to reach High Command. I am retired RL Officer and the idea of becoming an eOfficer, really appeals to me. I think my RL experience in commanding and strategy are assets that could be put to good use in eCanada.

On Politics

Your not running for Congress or Prime Minister despite a lot of email suggesting you run. Why is that?

The truth is, I think that if you are going to serve Congress or the Office of Prime Minister, you need to know a lot more than I know about eCanada and ePolitics. The role of Congress or PM demands that you are able to make intelligent and informed decisions...decisions that impact your country on many critical levels. I think Derek Harland said it best when he commented on why he did not feel he was ready until nowPersonally, I don’t think I have the knowledge to present myself to the public as someone that should be in that role...yet

You say yet...does that mean you plan to run some day?

Life is full of surprises. I don’t want to close any doors. It would be foolish of me to say that I would never run. If the circumstances are right and the support is there...you just never know

Would you at least be willing to accept a Cabinet Role?

Actually yes. In fact, I think I would like to serve in a Cabinet before taking on the role of Congressman. I would also prefer to be a Congressman before I ever attempted a run at PM. So yes...I would love the chance to serve in Cabinet and if that opportunity presented itself, I would give it every consideration

There are some real political heavyweights in this coming PM election. Who do you like?

HAHA, isn’t that supposed to be a secret? Well, at this point I can honestly say that I back Banach 110%. My experiences with him have been very positive and his platform and cabinet are mature, transparent, and realistic. I take nothing away from the other candidates but I just think Banach is the right guy for right now.

The current political climate demands that I ask about your feelings towards the article PM Duncan wrote after “The incident”

HAHA...beating a dead horse my friend. Honestly, I think Mr. Duncan’s article about David was a solid piece of work. I think he did a good job with it and truth be told, I wish him nothing but peace and well wishes in whatever he pursues next. We got off on the wrong foot but that does not mean we need remain mortal enemies. Perhaps the climate will change and we will be able to open a conversation. I don’t close doors on people and Mr. Duncan needs to know that I am always open to his friendship should he ever be willing to extend it.

Thank You Acacia for spending the time with me, I gained a lot of valuable insight into you as a person.

Thank you for the opportunity!