A Big Thank You..........

Day 764, 23:24 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
.............to the Sweet Drinker.

I have been shamed into writing a thank you article by 😎ayan at the MoC(not that I didn't want to thank you Sweet Drinker, just been busy) so here goes.

When I first started playing eRep about 6 weeks ago, I took a look around and thought, "Hmmm, pretty boring don't think I'll be back here anytime soon.

Then I noticed a little star on my inbox icon, clicked on it and saw 2 messages. One was from the Sweet man. Sweet showed me the ins and outs of the game and was always at hand whenever he was needed, always patient and always ready to help.

eIreland can go far with guys like him around, and I have no doubt he will go on to great things. He is THEE mhan(Sweet will know what the "h" is for)
He can basically do anything, so I decided to make up a little song completely by myself and I didn't copy it in any way from the theme tune of an 80s movie about 4 guys chasing ghosts,

So altogether now,

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
If your house is on fire and you're trapped inside,
Who ya gonna call?................SWEET DRINKER!

If your company's goin to the wall an ya dunno how ta save it,
Who ya gonna call?..................SWEET DRINKER!

If ya fought too many times an yer wellness is low,
Who ya gonna call?...................SWEET DRINKER!

If yer election campaign is clearly headin south,
Who ya gonna call?...................SWEET DRINKER!

If you sold all yer Gold on the Monetary Market for 0.02 IEP,
Who ya gonna call?...................NOBODY, YOU'RE ****ED!
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

So that's it, thank you sweet mhan. Also anybody leaving a comment, please make up your own line to our song and help make it a No.1 hit for Xmas!