[ PeopleProject ] - Pay to write and Fun Fund

Day 2,964, 09:19 Published in Malaysia Republic of Moldova by Sisk
…you can’t afford to not have a Fun Fund!

What Is A Fun Fund?
At the end of 2015 I set a goal for myself. No matter what, regardless of the circumstances and financial strain, I was going to create a Fun Fund for myself. Into this fund I would deposit 100% of every article endorse I will make.

All the moneys i get from article endorse will be used for funding contests and encourage people to write articles and be a lot more active in media. Also everyone that wanna help with this project can donate gold , cc or erep goods. All donors will be written in this article and in all future articles that i will make. Also people can buy a space in the articles where they can promote their um/party or newspaper... or just make a message known to more people.

Pay to write

I wanna make this newspaper a very active one so i future i will pay people to repost their articles here ... or just pay them to write new articles on a given subject that will be posted here. All authors that will have their article posted here will get paid and have their name written at the end of the article.

1. Private sponsors

5000 CC

[ PeopleProject ] - Pay to write and Fun Fund