1.500.000 [24.04.2012]

Day 1,592, 12:20 Published in Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina by Brdar Dragan

Dear friends,

The Armenian eRepublik community invites you to join us on 24th April 2012. year and take part in big international anti-Turkish attack.

Mass action, bazooka attack on the Turks, will lead an eRepublik International Military Units REVENGE 83%.

I hope that every participant of this action will contribute to at least 1.5 million damage against Turkey.

We have at least 1.5 million reasons for this.

Erepublik international anti Turkish military units REVENGE 83%, specializing in psycho toxic effects on the enemy, every day becoming more numerous.

The ideas for which we fight the battles against the Turks, will soon become official state policy in the region.

The upcoming international action will give a symbolic contribution supporting the Armenian community, which in our day is a day of sadness and pride.

We call on all active and motivated players to join us and become part of a team that changes Erepublik history.

For My Friends