[WTP] Weekly Party Update

Day 2,599, 20:03 Published in USA USA by George Griffin

Good evening eRepublik and my dear party, We The People! It's been a pretty exciting week for our party. PoTUS nominations, events and more. I'll keep this update brief and to the point.

PoTUS Update

PoTUS nominations are over within our forum. Results to be disclosed soon! Make sure you're staying active to elect our next President of the eUnited States of America.

Currently in the run:

- Wild Owl (Confirmed)
- Paul Proteus (Un-Confirmed)

I'm not 100 % sure on Paul, but I'm sure people would love to see him give it a shot! I think with his experience and his time, he would make for a great CP! Keep your eyes on that candidate though if he does actually end up on the ballot. However, it appears that, Wild Owl has a huge fan base for his Presidency.

Forum Game for Prizes!

The information can be found on the forum! Join in on the fun and see if you can win some of that good stuff! The game was started by your truly, Blande.

Click Here

Party Update

Good news! Our party has gained six new players in the course of five days. The growth of this party will continue. I hope to see this number grow more and more by the day. We have a great crew here in this party and hope to get some new faces! I genuinely hope to see you give our party a chance to kick start or continue your career here in, eRepublik!

That is all for now, however. Keep this in mind... Our party has the ladies you can't deny.

~ George Griffin