[Wook4PM] Remember to vote...for Wook!

Day 2,053, 11:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

A gentle reminder on who to vote for this week

Now, up to this point I've been very nice about the whole shenanigans process that we refer to as the CP elections.

But enough is enough.

I am the ONLY candidate worth voting for this month.

I have youth, extraordinary good looks and a whopping todger belief in building a better, brighter eUK.

There are other candidates out there of course, some with larger political parties behind them. I'm a member of The Skatalites and I've only got Chaz, Wayne, a Balzac, Niko, VD, Jenn, a bananaboy, an imP and a rasta. But is bigger always better?

Yes No.

Sometimes you need to take a chance on the underdog, the battler, the man who will give you 30% on a bad day and then make it all up to you with an extra 170% on a day when you're not watching.

That man is me.

Vote WookieO4CP and know you've done the right thing.

Some more bonus pics for all your drooling needs:


Vote WookieO4CP