[WHPR]Steamrolling Through Europe

Day 1,484, 16:03 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Today's WHPR includes the following work by new WHPR beat reporter Red Raider who publishes the fine paper Candy Apple News. His column in WHPR will carry the same name as his newspaper.

Europe Update: Allied Forces Steamroll Through Polish Territories
by Red Raider

A steam-driven machine equipped with a heavy roller for smoothing road surfaces.
A ruthless or irresistible force or power.
v. also steam·roll (-rl) steam·roll·ered also steam·rolled, steam·roll·er·ing also steam·roll·ing, steam·roll·ers also steam·rolls
1. To smooth or level (a road) with a steamroller.

2. To overwhelm or suppress ruthlessly; crush.
To move or proceed with overwhelming or crushing force.

Good Evening my fellow eAmericans. It is with great pleasure that I announce that for the third consecutive day, Allied forces have steamrolled through Polish defended territories crushing all opposing force. Today (Day 1,484) Canada, France and of course the US claimed formerly owned Polish territories.


The Last 24hrs have been the best hours so far for the Allied advance. Here is a list of territories that Terra allies have stripped from Polish rule.

Connecticut (US)
Limousin (US)
Loire Valley (O Canada!)
Ardenne Loraine (France)
Alsace (France)

But wait there's more!
Now eNetherlands and eGermany have picked up their weapons to fight!

The Poles are cornered off from their western regions in France and now they have to deal with the Germans and Dutch from the North and South. This is a tactician's dream come true. So go out and help our comrades! There are currently four battles being fought on Polish turf in eEurope.

Saxony (Germany)
West Netherlands (Netherlands)
Burgundy (France)
Auvergne (USA)

And of course fight for our smallest but most important state Rhode Island today on the homefront!

Oh, and one last thing..

Yo, Poland...

That's the news for today!

In other international news, there is a growing curiosity about the so-called "Trinity" super-alliance. There is practically zero publicly available data yet, but among the nations at the fringes of ONE, the "Trinity Effect" is already being seen. We will be following this CASE closely. Ahem.

eNPR is off to a slow start this term, but as of press time there is a rumor that Cerb will be hosting a broadcast this very evening. Stay tuned to your Citizen Feeds for more details.

Thanks to everyone who has so far given to the eUS Civilian Military Group. Nationalistic writers are encouraged to include the following in their newspapers (PM Gnilraps if you need the code for this):

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eUSA White House