[Wavve] Update - Prime Minister's office

Day 1,955, 17:39 Published in India Australia by ShockWavve
Starting the article with greetings to Indians "Happy Holi" and "Happy Hola Mohallah" to Sikhs.


MPP with Australia

Country President of Australia proposed MPP with India and as we dont have congress , only Hamturk's vote will count. Group of veteran Foreign Affairs experts of India discussed it with President Hamturk and following points have been outcome'-

Demerits of accepting MPP with Australia- There was a uniform opinion with members that MPP with Australia with prohibit us from joining CoT in the future. Well that true. Australia is occupied by CoTwo countries and having frequent war with them.

Merits;- Australia is a long trusted friend of India. Only few countries have supported us unconditionally and Australia is one of them. There players especially D4 members have won us wars in the past and similar seen was repeated when "Scottty the nuke" won Bh after Bh for India in RW in northern India.

Outcome - if we accept , we lose CoT ............if we reject , we lose a friend like Australia. Point to be mentioned here is that there is no guarantee that CoT will not reject us again, but accepting MPP might make it sure.


Progress report about RWs;-

Thanks to the diversion caused by the Croatia - Thailand war , India have been successful in liberating two regions so far ( Orissa and Northern India)
Special Thanks to President Hamturk for continuous monitoring of war for 12 hours and supplying weapons.


CBI theft Case ;-

Regarding the theft of 200k from Central Bank of India , investigations are still under way. President hamturk requested logs , but the request was denied by the admin citing that logs doesnot belong to his term and only the person CP at that time can receive logs.


Information to new members;-

Please read the President's welcome msg carefully. It contains direct link to IRC #India room. Visit IRC and say hi to your fellow eIndians


Prime Minister of eIndia
Second Commander -BRATS MU