*UPDATED* Congress Proposal (No More Dumping): 99% Import Tax on WRM

Day 1,559, 07:41 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Hello all,
UPDATE NOTICE: It has been suggested by several members that we add a failsafe on this measure in case of unforseen outcomes and changes in prices or supply. The suggest included a price-cap before we vote to revert the 99% import tax rate on WRM back to its original 5%.

This cannot actually be coded into a proposal in-game so it will just have to be a general agreement that taxes will be reviewed if this case occurs:
Change back the 99% WRM import tax to 5% should the cost of WRM rise above 0.36 CAD.
First off, thank you for those that voted for me in yesterday's election and also EPIC for offering CPF a spot to run. CPF did fairly well, geting in half the Congress candidates, while another missed by only 1 vote in the final minutes of the election. Thanks all. On to other business now.

In lieu of making a proposal in the forums (which I won’t be accessing), I would still like to continue with the long upheld and valiantly obeyed tradition of 24-hour debate on any Congress proposals. I’m hoping that if the proposal is made in the next day or two (depending on the continued need for debate), it is voted on based on the merits (or lack thereof) of the idea to raise import taxes on WRM from 5% to 99%, rather than on a lack of procedure.

While this article can serve as a transparent platform of debate to the public, I’ll also be sending a group PM to all Congressmen and the CP to facilitate other discussion to be made public later in the article. If a proposal is deemed to be ‘security sensitive’ then I’ll just have to treat it like Closed Door Congress and keep it in a private group PM.

As a preamble to my main point, please consider the concept of "Dumping" as explained in this Wiki entry:
"In economics, "dumping" is any kind of predatory pricing, especially in the context of international trade. It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market, or in quantities that cannot be explained through normal market competition."
My note: (the main difference here is that in RL there is no Platobot to snap up all the excess that is dumped in our markets to flood the economy with more dollars)

Foreign Dumpers: "How's dem apples, eCanada?"

Why should we adjust to 99% WRM import tax?

Because all the other countries have raised their rates?
~~Check out my article that recorded the tax rates of other countries:
The 1%...er 5%: eCan Taxes and a Chat with an Oil Tycoon"

~~“Because everyone else is doing it” doesn’t seem a good enough reason, so I’m assuming they are not simply following everyone else’s lead. Perhaps they are onto something, mainly
1) Protect the value of their currency.
2) Enable their own citizens to sell their WRM at a higher value to the platobot.
3) Generate some extra tax off those who do bother to sell even with 99% tax

In a reply to my previous article, Addy Lawrence explaine😛 “The economic powerhouses have optimum production bonuses which translate into the lowest cost structure which translate to low prices on the domestic market.

Canada does not have optimum production bonuses so higher import taxes mean higher costs to the consumer. Higher domestic costs to the consumer mean that people shop in foreign markets for what they can't produce for themselves.”

I respectfully disagree that we will face higher costs. FRM is at 99% yet it is not skyrocketing in price. In fact, it is usually slightly cheaper than WRM. We don’t get foreign citizens dumping their FRM into our country, yet we still have low prices. Makes you think, huh.

1 Protect the value of our currency.
-People who dump their WRM into eCanada then sell their CAD from the platobot for Gold. This devalues our currency and makes it harder to purchase company upgrades, strength training, and health packs (for those that use them).

-Platobot is buying the excess and dumping plenty of CAD into the pockets of other citizens. Why don’t we place eCanadians FIRST in line to capture this windfall?

-When I took a look at the WRM this morning, this is what I saw:
click for screenshot

Bojerianov – USA citizen, 27k WRM
PlamenBG – USA citizen 17k WRM
Klemensa – Bulgarian citizen 6k WRM
Ivan Shishmanov – USA citizen 47k WRM
Apachi50 – USA citizen 16k CAD

So in the top offers, I saw 113k WRM from foreigners. Look right to you?

2) Enable our own citizens to sell their WRM at a higher value to the platobot.
Face it, we’re all producers now and rely on the platobot for extra income. If prices do go up on WRM, more eCanadians will invest in WRM to make up the shortfall. It will self-adjust and we will profit, not others.

Let’s keep our share of the pie reserved for people on our team. And if there isn’t enough pie, we can very easily make more. That’s the nature of this game now. Let’s leave old-style taxation behind.

3) Generate some extra tax off those who do bother to sell even with 99% tax
The Ivan’s and Bojerianov’s will likely find riper territory to dump excess WRM, but those that do stick with it will be giving our Government more money in the coffers. Instead of them flipping CAD for Gold and causing inflation, we can send the excess CAD to our MUs to circulate the cash or support Gold purchases by our citizens.

It’s been too long that other nations have leeched off our lax tax policy. Let’s strengthen the CAD, put our players first, and invest in our own WRM production/profit.

Please debate below the merits and problems with this concept of mine. I’ll be following along until the debate has passed 24 hours and is done before making my in-game tax proposal.

I make this proposal according the CPF's 7 Tenets, namely:
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public.
(mainly the first half of that, but I like the idea of WRM bursaries to get things kick started)