+UncleSam For Dummmies+

Day 437, 19:49 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Hello eU.S, today I sat down with the first person to fully announce his Presidential Candidacy for the U.S February elections. The one and only, UncleSam! We all remember his running from last month and how he lost to Justin by a mere 20 votes. I asked him about the robbery, general foreign policy, and what he attributed to his downfall last month.

Chisholm: Thank you for sitting down with me UncleSam, Lets start it off with some recent events, what was your reaction to the recent thefts from the U.S Federal Reserve?

UncleSam: Well, it was a bit of a mixed reaction, at first I was really confused. People were saying that Franco did it, however I was skeptical when no one could provide any "real" proof. I talked to Franco and at that point I was a little annoyed because he took down the forums and was being an ass about it.

Then after Franco and Benn released their interview, I settled down, looked at it in retrospect and though it wasn't a big deal. Now of course it has great ramifications, which do put extra stress on us...

Chisholm: Do you think eU.S came out for better or for worse?

UncleSam: It's only something that allows the USA to prove itself, and that's just what I plan on doing. I'm sure the USA can pull though it, and the economics plan can pull us through it

Chisholm: Now, what brought Will Shafer to your first option for VP.

UncleSam: As far as Will goes a couple of things lead me to him
The first was my good friend Benn. He told me a while back that if anyone in this country knows what the military needs to improve, it's him.

The second, of course is Will, I talk to him regularly and I know that he can do what's best for the military. Overall I feel pretty confident about my stances on the economy and foreign affairs (which I have yet to release). So I figured that he would be perfect to pick up in the military section

Chisholm: Was he your only option or did you consider others?

UncleSam: Obviously there were other choices for VP. GoBucks was one of them. Justin was another option. However given the circumstances with both of them it didn't seem like picking them would really help to benefit the country as much as Will

Chisholm: Justin as VP? Do you have any information on this? Most people are under the assumption Justin is running for President again.

UncleSam: Personally, no, and it's hard to get info from him when his computer isn't working. For now, his name is on the ballot and I'm running against him, so he'll have to prepare himself for a good race, like the ones we always have.

Chisholm: I'm sure. Now, you’re famous for being the number one patriot. What do you think was your downfall in the last election?

UncleSam: Well... it was a combination of two things: The first was my poorly laid out economics plan and I'll admit, it didn't look pretty but of course I made up for it with the rest of my platform.

The other thing was shaking off all the negative campaigning that was being thrown at me
and toning down the ego something that people don't really understand about me 😉

Chisholm: If you've learned something, what have you learned form your time as Press Secretary?

UncleSam: That running a country is hard... of course this isn't new knowledge to me what really struck me is how much time you have to put into keeping the citizens informed and as active as I am on the media,
I may need a press secretary as well because when you're trying to handle every aspect of the country, the media will fall to the back burner.

Chisholm: Why did you fly over to Italy this month?

UncleSam: First it was a vacation, I'm not going to lie. Every politician needs a break now and then, it refreshes the spirit

Chisholm: Press Secretary taking a vacation?

UncleSam: Getting away from the political tension made it that much easier to come back and really get some power back into my step.

Yes... the press Secretary was taking a vacation however the Italian Ambassador was not
while there I did a lot of work to improve relations between our two countries

Chisholm: I see

UncleSam: And now even though enemies, we're very friendly I also spent some time talking over some private foreign affairs matters. And of course got to get two medals while there

Chisholm: What did you think about the invasion of Portugal?

UncleSam: Well... I was away for that and didn't really involve myself in it, after all I was still on vacation but,

Chisholm: Ah, but you must’ve known of it, did you think that "fun" is a good enough reason for war?

UncleSam: I don't necessarily support those actions, it may have been for fun, yes but it has so many other ramifications. I believe a better solution would have been to start war games serve the same purpose, just not piss people off

Chisholm: Who do you want war games with? Canada if I've heard right is against it. Mexico is part of PEACE I've been told, and so is Japan

UncleSam: We always have the UK. This has to be talked over with people though. It's not going to happen automatically.

Chisholm: Of course

UncleSam: But the UK is one of our oldest and best allies we have many friends over there, I personally worked with Dish, a huge figure in the UK right now. I'm sure it's possible

Chisholm: But the term is only a month long, very short if you ask me, so big plans would have to be rushed through.

UncleSam: You'd be surprised what I can do when I'm inspired by something

Chisholm: Oh?

Chisholm: What did you think of Iran when they were on their march to the sea? From middle east across Asia? Did you think the U.S and ATLANTIS should let them do it? Or protest?

UncleSam: Protest obviously people don't like Iran, even PEACE had issues with them

Chisholm: What do you think we should've done though? Simply saying "Stop" doesn't always work.

UncleSam: The thing is that people attacked Romania in the media for being imperialist and attacking Russia, while the world turned a deaf eye to Iran, doing the exact same thing, but on a larger scale.

So what should we do?
Rally PEACE to really look at what their ally is doing and make them grab a hold of their ally if that doesn't work sending military support could be in order... however not unless it starts to pose a serious threat to Americans.

Chisholm: I see, and that leads me to my next question. Romania: Friend or Foe?

UncleSam: That's a tough one but... they're friend we're part of an alliance and we have to stick together... of course there's more to this alliance than meets the eye and Justin has been working so hard to fix ATLANTIS.

Chisholm: So you are a pro-ATLANTIS candidate?

UncleSam: Well that's where there's a misconception.

Yes, I'm for staying in ATLANTIS but for a few reasons first, as I just said, Justin has done so much to get the alliance back on track if I say we're going to leave, that would be undoing all of his work and it would be backtracking something I don't want to do.

Second, ATLANTIS is strong now... all it needs is a bit more reform and a public voice that's what it needs for the people to be informed about what's going on in the alliance and it hasn't happened here in the USA.

Chisholm: What if a third promising alliance emerges?

UncleSam: Well that's what I was getting to we're not leaving ATLANTIS until we have good reason to. We did maybe a month ago or somewhere in between so they got their chance if the Alliance fails again, then we're out, within reason of course.

As far as a third alliance. Well... if ATLANTIS falls, of course a new alliance will rise it may not be a "third alliance" however I have a few connections here and there and I've talked hypothetically with some people 😉 Of course, we're still in ATLANTIS. so right now it doesn't really mean anything

Chisholm: Most interesting. Now, are you a candidate who will stick to what they campaign on? Or are you going to do the will of the American people?

UncleSam: The American people vote me in, because they like what I campaigned on so I'm going to stick to my guns even if it looks bad at times because I'm confident in my plans and, well, it's always darkest before the dawn.

Chisholm: Unless there is a nuclear war, then you can't see dawn with all the smoke...is what I always say. Now, Overall in your foreign policy, are you a tough stick to your guns guy when it comes to other nations threatening U.S, or are you a lets sit down and talk with them person?

UncleSam: I talk it out. Foreign relations are tricky and you have to look at all aspects of things and situations are always changing, so I don't know what the future will bring and I don't know how I'll react to them yet what I do know if what's happening right now and I'll be releasing an article on the foreign relations aspect of it either Sunday or Monday.

Chisholm: I see, well, What do you think the #1 threat to America is? Internal or External?

UncleSam: Well as I said in a Press Secretary article it's external, and that it's PEACE.
But of course that was under orders

Chisholm: As I'm sure you've heard a lot, PEACE and ATLANTIS don't know why they're fighting. To you, what is the ATLANTIS, PEACE feud about and why does it keep going?

UncleSam: Well in my opinion, the countries of the games wanted a major alliance vs major alliance mindset in the air and it was to play things out, almost like a social experiment and it was fun to some degree. Really stressful at times, and it's been going on too long

Chisholm: So you want the war to stop?

UncleSam: It just should be time to break down this aspect on global conflict and open up some new dynamics to the game

Chisholm: Very interesting..now, a question I hear all too much. U.S, invade and annex Mexico. Yes or no?

*Time Passes*

UncleSam: Hm.

When looking at this question my initial though was, no... not worth it then I thought... well it's possible, and would be fun and shouldn't be to hard

But then I thought again, what could we possibly gain from it? It just might cause another big conflict

So it's a toss up.

Chisholm: So right here, a warning to Mexico? Warning, don't become valuable, or you’re ours?

UncleSam: Well, right now I'm leaning towards no, but it could be an interesting idea as opposed to war games

Chisholm: I see, well I guess that about wraps things up

UncleSam: Finally! It was a long interview.

Chisholm: Hehe, yeah it was, but now we all know, UncleSam.

Now, I hope this has enlightened you eMerica, the least you could do is vote it up, you have no idea how long it took me to fix this up with eRep and word conversion problems!

P.S the Title is meant to be like to book, "_____for dummies" Basically just simplified things, no negative connotation is intended