[UKPP] MP4UKPP PP - A Manifesto

Day 2,884, 04:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

It's coming up to Party President Election time, so about time I said what I'll do ifwhen elected.

That means primaries. An ugly word to some*, but in the interests of fairness I shall hold primaries for the ordering of Congress Lists and Party Presidential selection. Please follow the Party Feed and media for more information regarding these ballots and please only run if you intend to be active.

There shall also be a ballot for the favoured Country President candidate. Any party member wishing to enter the Country Presidential race should contact me immediately following the Congressional Election results - anyone wishing to run for CP after this point will not be considered this term.

One criticism is that it's the same old voices over and over again. I've taken that on board and hope to get more people active in the party. While details are yet to be finalised, this will likely offer rewards** for activity - raffles for those who vote in Primaries, cash prizes for relevant articles and so on. Maybe even a competition or two. (Please note that I'm not a gazillionaire, having spent most of my hard-earned lucre on catnip and tuna steaks, but there are funds in the kitty**😉. Bonus points for cat-related humour.

Aside from snippets in the Party Feed, few of you will know what's happening in Congress. I'm not one to put three-line whips in place****, and don't expect our Congressmen to slavishly follow any party position, but I do want activity and openness. I intend***** to publish updates throughout my term, including congressional reports. While it might seem like dull politicking, it is intended to get more people interested in party activity.

I'm only one cat, and can't do everything myself. That's why I want a truly awesome team behind me help to take care of the boringday-to-day running of things. I hope to retain Pannonian Nomad as my VP thanks to his eye for detail, and Master of the gDoc and Purveyor of Gingerness Neil Lewis as Secretary General. That means I'm still looking for a Councillor and Spokesman, so if you're interested, drop me a line!

Should something interesting (with the exception of Yet Another Wipe(TM)) happen that piques the interest of Jeremy Catspaw, I'm sure you'll see him return at some point.

*My "opponent" (should he fail to withdraw as demanded by the results of this term's PP primary) for one.
**Rewards will be in the form of half-eaten rodents, hairballs, or more likely cold, hard cash.
***No, I haven't eaten the money. You know what I mean.
****Ooer, missus!
*****Barring illness, injury, vetinary appointments and catnaps.