[Speaker] A Quick Update

Day 2,300, 13:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Hello, I'd just like to deliver a quick update from the snazzy new Speaker of the House org which we've just got hold of, which is nice.

So tomorrow is the second IRC meeting of the month, and it was initially intended to be the first one that would be open to the public, and held on #HoC.public. Unhappily, due to the sensitive nature of some of the things at the top of the agenda for tomorrow, we can't do it in the public channel, and the meeting will now take place on #eukhoc.

So, Congress members: that's 7.30pm GMT on #eukhoc

However, members of the public will still be able to ask questions of their Congressmen and the CP's cabinet, just contact me with your question before the meeting and I will put it to the relevant people.


So we're at the end of my first week as Speaker, and I'm quite happy with how things have gone so far. We've had a very productive group meeting where we discussed a lot of ideas for improving Congress; I hope that we can build on this in the coming weeks as we seek to make Congress a body which better serves the people of the eUK.

This week, Congress will be focusing on ways to improve Congressional scrutiny of the CP, and improving communication between the CP and Congress.

Thank you,

Speaker of the House