:: smeekileaks :: D4 Epic Damage Analysis

Day 2,989, 11:50 Published in Argentina Thailand by deleted smee

A battle just turned full scale in D4(Hungary vs Austria). At the moment it turned full scale the bar was 2.29% for Austria and there were only 5 people who did damage with the #5 person having made only 1 kill. We can safely assume that only these 5 people in the top 5 made damage for Austria.

In total 178m was made on the Austrian side the moment it turned full scale, with x1.29 determination and 2.29% bar we can conclude that in total 10 billion damage was on the field. Since full scale is 50% of epic then an Epic battle requires 20 billion damage.

43 days ago I wrote an article about how epic was approximately 16.5 billion damage. Since damage for epic changes every week and 7 weeks have passed, it works out that each week +500m damage is needed for epic (or +0.5% per day extra).
