[SHIELD] Introducing eUSA's First Female Regiment - Femme Force!

Day 2,519, 20:02 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

- = SHIELD is the Federalist Party's Proud & Horny Military Unit! How do we continue this level of awesomeness you may ask? With the help of soldiers and would be soldiers like you! SHIELD is currently recruiting anyone and everyone that would like to be a member of an elite fraternity of brothers and sisters. We commune in six (6) Q7 tank factories. You will be supplied daily with Tanks and Food to fight the good fight for the USA and her allies. FREE STUFF? Start today! = -

1 | New Femme Force Regiment! (Sorry guys, this is just for the ladies)
2 | Need help upgrading your Training Grounds?
3 | How can I get SHIELD tank and food supplies?

1 | New Femme Force Regiment
by WookyJack; images by Scott Coyle

SHIELD proudly introduces its newest regiment: [- = Femme Force Regiment = - ]

It was often discussed if female players would have interest in being in their own regiment in an Military Unit. And if there would be enough players around that are actual female. It turns out SHIELD has such group of gals who have formed one of the sleekest and most proud regiments in the game!

These ladies don't mess around either. If you're a female player and want to be a part of a great community of fighters then please let us know or join SHIELD today!

2 | Training Ground Upgrade Assistance
by Kevin Sheridan (HAMMER Director); images by Scott Coyle

This is possibly the most important aspect of the game if you’re going to be a fighter. You see that UPGRADE button? Pay attention closely.

HAMMER is a program to assist players in upgrading their Free Weight Room to Q4. This will allow the player to train for the most strength (20 strength a day) for free. These are the upgrade costs.

Expensive? Yes, that is a lot of gold to have to save up! The best time to upgrade your Training Ground is when you see an event like this.

This is what a fully upgraded FREE training center looks like.

How do I get in HAMMER?

To Apply:

1. You must be Division 1 and an ACTIVE Agent of SHIELD for a minimum of 14 days. *
2. You must be in a SHIELD uniform.
3. You must work in a SHIELD commune.
4. You must read ALL of the REQUIRED War College material. Reading more, is better.
5. Must pass the War College Exam with a score of 90% or higher.
6. You must apply.
7. You must interview with the HAMMER Director or an Assistant Director.

To Remain in HAMMER:

1. You must remain in a SHIELD uniform.
2. You must continue to work in a SHIELD commune.
3. You must attend Weekly Roll Call.**
4. You must complete ALL additional objectives before requesting additional gold assistance for training ground upgrades.
5. You must acknowledge and abide by the HAMMER Code of Conduct.
6. Acknowledge HAMMER Daily Orders for food and gold.

*Active means being on IRC and the forum regularly; assisting newer HAMMERs with questions; asking questions and educating yourself.
**If you miss more than 3 Weekly Roll Calls in a row, without giving a LOA notice, you will be kicked from HAMMER.

New Applicants | [ = CLICK HERE TO APPLY = ]

3 | Supplies, fighting and good friends
by WookyJack; images by Scott Coyle

Starting with day 1973, SHIELD began doing a daily series of announcements known as 'Daily Briefing and Supply Drop.' This announcement combined the standard briefing given to most military unit soldiers with supply requests. SHIELD soldiers would post in the thread their name, link, whether they completed the daily orders, and what they were requesting: food, weapons, or both. A Quartermaster would then supply the soldier. ref

What are the requirements?

Join SHIELD Military Unit (resign from your current MU if you cannot immediately join us): http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/1741

You need to register on the Federalist Forum here - http://fedparty.forumotion.com/
Request Federalist and SHIELD access by creating a New Topic and Introduce yourself.
Post your eRepublik profile URL (link).
Full membership you will receive 15 Q7 tanks and 1500 energy a day. Division 4 fighters get 25Q7 tanks, 1500 energy!!!

Join us on IRC via Rizon: http://proudhorny.us/SHIELD and say hello!

IRC, what is that? by the Department of Education