[ result ] Swiss Dep. of Education Organization Poll

Day 2,609, 03:17 Published in Switzerland Republic of Moldova by Sisk

All members of the taskforce got a private message regarding this poll :
"Poll: Do you want to giveaway our national ORG ( Swiss Dep. of Education ) to ROOT?
- for the purpose of using the Organization for publishing Official Root articles.

Here you have the poll => http://goo.gl/forms/r3XtzkVu3O
Here is a small video for this poll => http://youtu.be/B6Jna9Bpp8Q

The presence was 6/10 ( 60% ) and the result is NO with 5 VOTES NO AND 1 VOTE YES

OBS : even the rest didnt vote ,the result wouldnt change cause for a law to pass it needs 50% + 1 .