[Repost] Competition for the World’s Most Influential Citizens! [ID/EN]

Day 2,121, 02:01 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by elsyon
Selamat ePagi, eSiang, eSore, eMalam (kapanpun anda membacanya).

Ane mau repost sebuah event internasional baru yang sedang berlangsung, di mana artikel aslinya ada di sini.

eRepublik adalah sebuah game berbasiskan strategi dan tiap orang punya taktik sendiri untuk mencapai "kemenangan" versi mereka. Walau begitu, tidak sedikit orang-orang di eRep ini yang punya pemikiran, tindakan, maupun tujuan pribadi yang akhirnya bisa memengaruhi baik diri mereka sendiri, negaranya, aliansi negaranya berada, maupun seluruh dunia.

Orang-orang ini bisa melakukan berbagai hal. Dimulai dari sekedar aktif di komunitasnya (bisa dengan berIRC, menulis artikel, dll), menjadi ketum partai, komandan MU, menjadi congress, menteri, presiden, sampai merengkuh jabatan tertinggi di sebuah aliansi.

Untuk itu, Daily Dose akan mengadakan sebuah event bertajuk "Competition for the World’s Most Influential Citizens!" dalam rangka memperkenalkan orang-orang ini kepada dunia, sekaligus memberikan penghargaan baik moril maupun materi.

Agar tetap terupdate dengan event ini, silakan mengadd salvator3 atau mensubscribe korannya, Daily Dose.

Bagaimana eventnya?
Ada 3 stages dari event ini :
1) Nominasi
2) Voting
3) Pemberian Penghargaan

1) Nominasi
Tiap orang bisa masuk nominasi pada kategori-kategori di bawah ini :
- Paling berpengaruh di medan perang
- Paling berpengaruh di politik
- Paling berpengaruh di media
- Paling berpengaruh dengan para nubi
- Paling berpengaruh di ekonomi

Seorang pemain harus minimum mendapat nominasi dari 2 orang (terkecuali dirinya sendiri) untuk masuk ke dalam event ini. Proses nominasi akan berlangsung selama 5 hari.

2) Voting
Setelah proses nominasi ditutup, selama 3 hari kami akan menghitung jumlah nama yang masuk. Hal ini akan dilakukan 3 orang untuk menjamin kemurnian hasilnya.

Setelah penghitungan selesai, artikel baru akan dirilis berkenaan dengan nama-nama yang masuk, dan seluruh citizen di eWorld ini akan memberikan suaranya lewat komen pada artikel tsb.

Setiap orang hanya bisa vote 1x, dan seseorang bisa memberikan suara bagi dirinya sendiri pada stage ini.

3) Pemberian Hadiah
Setelah voting ditutup, selama 3 hari kami akan menghitung suara yang masuk. Hal ini juga dilakukan oleh 3 juri berbeda untuk menjamin kemurniannya. Jika mau menghitung sendiri, anda bisa melihat vote tiap orang di bagian comment.

Setiap kategori akan menghasilkan 1 pemenang dan 10 runner-ups.

Saat ini kami masih dalam tahap pengumpulan hadiah. Jika ingin membantu, silakan mengirim barang maupun uang ke sini, untuk selanjutnya mengisi form ini. Kami menghargai bantuan sekecil apapun.

What’s next?
Minggu depan, kami akan merilis artikel untuk para citizen menominasikan tokohnya masing-masing. So, stay tune! Subscribe koran ini atau Daily Dose untuk informasi lebih lanjut!

Bangsa sebesar Indonesia pasti gamau ketinggalan event ini kan? So, ayo kita tunjukkan tokoh-tokoh bangsa Indonesia di kancah internasional dan beri tahu dunia bahwa di Asia Pasifik sebuah negara bernama Indonesia punya anak-anak bangsa yang berprestasi di eWorld!!

nb : nominasi belum dibuka, jadi jangan norak dengan ngasih nama-namanya di comment!

English version.

Competition for the world’s most influential citizens!

Update: We are looking at partners who speak other languages to translate this article and repost in their home country. Please contact Salvator3 if you can assist.

Welcome to a special edition of Daily Dose where we will be looking for eRepublik’s most influential citizens! This article has been translated and republished for the benefit of the Indonesian community. The original article can be found here.

eRepublik is a sandbox game built on strategy and everyone has their own definition of achieving victory. There are some players however, whose goals, aspirations and actions affect not only themselves but entire countries, alliances or regions of the world.

These citizens can run things as such as alliances, countries, parties, military units or simply be active citizens who help shape and mould their communities, however small or large they may be.

To help showcase these members and recognise their achievements, Daily Dose will be holding a competition on the most influential citizens of eRepublik and offering both recognition and financial rewards for their achievements.

To keep up to date with the competition, add salvator3 as a friend or subscribe to the Daily Dose.

How the competition will work
The competition will be broken up into three stages:
1) Nominations
2) Voting
3) Awards

1) Nominations
Players may be nominated in any of the following categories:
- Most influential in warfare
- Most influential in politics
- Most influential in the media
- Most influential with new members
- Most influential in the economy

To go into the running, a player must receive a minimum of two nominations.

Players are unable to nominate themselves and each player may only nominate one person per category.

Nominations will run for a period of 5 days, which should give enough time for players to elect their nominations.

2) Voting
Once the nomination period has closed, we will allocate up to 3 days to tally all the nominations. These nominations will be independently tallied by three different people to ensure accuracy and authenticity.

Once that is completed, a new article with be published listing the nominees and allowing citizens to vote.

Voting will be conducted by comments on the article with who you would like to vote for. This will ensure all votes are publicly available for any citizen to see and will allow each member to vote only once (if citizens vote twice or more in the comments, only their first vote will count).

Voting will be open for a period of 5 days.

Citizens may vote for themselves if they are nominated.

3) Awards
Once the voting period has closed, we will allocate up to 3 days to tally all the votes. These votes will be independently tallied by three different people to ensure accuracy and authenticity. They will also be publicly available in the comments section of the voting article for all citizens to verify.

In each category, we will publish overall winner as well as the following top 10 runner ups.

Prize Pool
In order to expand the prize pool, we would love it if you could spare any amount to contribute to the prize pool. Donations as small as 50cc are appreciated. Please donate items here and then fill out the form here. You will receive public praise for your donation.

What’s next?
Within the next week, an article will go live opening for nominations. Don’t forget to subscribe to the paper to be notified when!