[PNhr] Resistance, Kangoku Style

Day 1,455, 23:45 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Good evening. I'm C.L. Pastalia,

And I'm C.L. Pastalia.

This is

Our top story this week is the conquest of South Korea by an alliance of China and Taiwan. South Korea has been a longtime ally of eJapan, most notably during the Canadian invasion of a few months ago, when South Korea was instrumental in blocking the enemy advance.

According to official sources, South Korea was offered an alliance by the eJapanese government, but declined. With China's accusation that South Korea had taken the side of ONE in the World War, the South Koreans anticipated their defeat and declined to get their longtime ally involved.

So eJapan is officially neutral to the Korean resistance?

That's right, Luca. So far there has been very little headway, with the resistance disorganized, and by some accounts yet to win a single battle.

True, but with the slow pace of recent battles, more and more of our citizens may be making a trip to the Korean peninsula to fight for the resistance They can help a friend at the same time as keeping in practice.

And citizens would take a flight to China or Taiwan in order to volunteer?

Yup! The resistance wars can be fought from anywhere in China or Taiwan, even their mainland territories. But moving to the Korean peninsula is shorter, and cheaper at 20 JPY each way.

So soldiers, or their militias, would need to provide their own food and weapons, plus the cost of a 40 JPY round trip.

Sounds about right. With the pace the resistance is going, you might end up staying for a while, or even making multiple trips.

Well, that's all for today's segment. Tomorrow, stay tuned for our fair and biased take on the party elections!

This is C.L. Pastalia,

And C.L. Pastalia!

signing off.