[PNhr] Election Day

Day 1,446, 12:16 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Good afternoon. I'm C.L. Pastalia,

And I'm C.L. Pastalia.

This is the Pastalia Newshour.

Today, eJapan votes to choose our next President. The incumbent, Kaigefoh, is a Team Nippon member and longtime leader of the military unit, "Chainsaw," one of the first three independent militias to form in Japan. For most of this year, he has been a member of the Cabinet, first as the Minister of Gaming, where he built the Ministry into a powerful tool to revitalize interest in eRepublik and eJapan. When President Darshu retired in October, Minister Kaigefoh stepped forward as Team Nippon's candidate, endorsed by the Shinsengumi and the Dai Nippon Teikoku, and won election with 42% of the vote.

This has been a winning combination.

Only four points behind was Squibeel, a longtime DOJ member, well known as a former Minister of Defense. Even with only his own party's endorsement, he put up a very credible challenge, winning more than 37% of the vote in a three-way race. And today, he once again challenges President Kaigefoh, with the endorsement of the Democratic Party of Japan.

Squibeel made quite a respectable showing in October. Can he win this month?

As of noon today, exit polls showed President Kaigefoh with a commanding lead, 55% to 45%. Still, it's much too early to call the election, particularly as nearly a quarter of last month's voters have yet to vote. If this month's vote gets more interest, then either of the candidates could pull off a win. The choice, as they say, is yours.

This is C.L. Pastalia,

And C.L. Pastalia!

signing off.