[part 1] New world famous people

Day 931, 09:36 Published in Romania Romania by Robert Negrea

Hi! Today, I will start to make some pedictions about the starts of eWorld. I’ve picked some players randomly and let’s see who they are…some little facts about them.This article’s purpose is to make us know each other a little better.Please vote+subscribe


http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/6007/asklepije.jpg" />

He is an important citizen of Croatia. He is a successful newsman (2 MM medals), Party President of Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka (the second largest party in eCroatia) in two terms, eCroatian Congressman in three terms, Prime minister of eCroatia, Administrator of eDomovina forum (main eCroatian forum).

What’s the story of your name?Well, Asklepije wasn't my first choice. Not even the second or third... I tried to register with some other nicks but all of them were already used. Asklepije (eng. Asclepius) was the first not used nick. 😃

How did you join the eWorld?I noticed one article in our RL newspaper about eRepublik and I decided to join and see what is it like. I'm still here so you can guess I like it.

What's the best thing that you've done?Opening my newspaper, eSentinel. You should all subscribe 😃

What do you think about V2?Well, I not quite sure what to think. One thing is certain, the game will become more complex and many players will stop playing eRepublik. But I think it will be far more interesting. 🙂


http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6012/lipecq.jpg" />

He was first Serbian president in eSerbia and made 4 mandate in a row until they didn't liberated eSerbia (but all glory should go to team he worked with all that time and to great community they have in eSerbia).
He was first who won MMM in eSerbia with his newspaper (Sr. Bin), but it's kinda related with previous activities since many recognized his newspapers as "president newspapers" during that time...
He is one of first eRepublik Ambassadors from Serbia and he is glad that he was able to contribute in increasing population of eSerbia several times because he made a lot of RL friends thanks to this game.

What’s the story of your name? My IGN is same as my RL nickname - short of my surname... Althou, I was joking about it as acronym several times in games as:
L.I.P.E.C. = Lucky Idiot President Elected Candidate

How did you join the eWorld? One of my friends from another game(s) invited me into eRepublik. He is originally from Poland (IGN: eredhal - now dead citizen), but he spend his time in game playing with me - playing for eSerbia! 😉

What's the best thing that you've done?I don't like to talk about my efforts in game, but if you ask people in eSerbia - I am mostly recognized as someone who organized several Baby Booms...
What do you think about V2? I want to see (and test) it first, then I'll have my opinion about it. Considering Erepublik Insiders - it will change this game a lot...


http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2996/agrammon.jpg" />

He doesn't have some special activities. He tries to keep market stable with few other colleagues and they often make some initiatives to improve something, like keep stable price, provide healthy environment for every company holder to sell their products but you always have some people that have multi as workers and they destroy market. In that case every honest player can't be competitive.
He is spokesman for my political party at the moment (HLD - croatian liberal democrats)
He was member of HV (croatian army) - 8th brigade.

What’s the story of your name?Agrammon is derivated from old german name for capital of Croatia (Zagreb - Agram). It were to be with one m but that name was already taken.

How did you join the eWorld? I joined to eWorld after I saw link on one portal where they call to help our Country. I started slow as two click man (work and train) but as time pass by I started to be active as a reporter and in politics to. I was active soldier and I run one small company. From my opinion this game is bad but contact with the people is what keeps the most player still playing.

What's the best thing that you've done? I'm relatively new player (751 day of my birth)and I don't have some extreme success like presidency but I play fair and with all that cheating, staying normal and honest I find as my biggest success. Recently I become the congress member for the first time and few days ago I got my MM medal and I'm proud of that because I like to write and I didn't ask people to sub, they gave me subion for my quality writing.

What do you think about V2? V2 is great for people who want spend much more time in this game but that is in collision with premise what this game suppose to be. Simple game on what you spend only 5 minutes per day. V2 is definitely not going to be that. If someone wants to play sim city, sims or something similar there are already that kind of games on the market. And V2 would be big RL money grabber. I think all in all it would be worse than now.


http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/5732/sztandarowy.png" />

He was president ,smrtan's spokesman and a vice minister of eduaction in the old days, this one being quite temporary - as was his presence in EDEN media department, if that's helpful in any way.
What’s the story of your name? Complete random, I wanted a fresh start so it's my eRep nick only.
How did you join the eWorld? I registrated. No shit.

What's the best thing that you've done? Well, I guess it's me forging Junior, a mighty eRep meme.

What do you think about V2? v2 looks promosing as hell, so I guess its gonna to suck in the end, but hey, it's just me.

Harrison Richardson

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6854/harison.jpg" />

Harrison Richardson is an American politician. He served as president during the first few weeks of the Great War of 2009. Within his first month of life, Harrison Richardson threw his hat into the ring as the USWP candidate for Utah. He hoped to become the youngest U.S. Congressman in eRepublik history. His platform included U.S. withdrawal from Atlantis and high taxes to support a large, powerful military Prior to being elected, Harrison had worked as the Deputy Secretary of State, although he performed many of the duties of the acting Secretary of State. In the middle of May he dropped the &quot😉eputy" and became the official Secretary of State, a position he held until the end of the scrabman administration.

What’s the story of your name? In RL, name is Harry Dick
How did you join the eWorld? I joined Erepublik over two years ago, this is my second account. I joined from an ad on a soccer site from a friend, actually.

What's the best thing that you've done? Best thing I've done? I'd say The Party.

What do you think about V2? V2 is going to suck.


http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/7518/miladdante.jpg" />

He was The president of iran (3 terms),eIran Congressman (13 terms),The minister of forgein affairs of Iran (5 terms), Apprentice to Minister of Education&Advertising(2 terms) Apprentice to Minister of Forgein affairs of Iran(2 terms), Apprentice to Spokesman of Iran, Apprentice to Minister of Forgein affairs of Turkey

What’s the story of your name? Milad_dante is my cyber name on internet.The first part of it is my real name and the second part came from a video game.I use to like a game that called devil may cry and the name of mane caracter was dante.

How did you join the eWorld? I saw the erepublik title on a persian forum.

What's the best thing that you've done? Being as the president of Iran.
What do you think about V2? Exciting at the first look.


http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/8656/aban.jpg" />

He was Mayor of Darwin for July 2008 (Beta version), Congressmen 3 times, PReI (Partai Republik eIndonesia) President 2 times (October 2008 - January 2009), Minister of Internal Affair for October 2008, Minister of Media and Informatics for January 2009, President of eIndonesia for February 2009, Indenesian Representative Adviser of PEACEgc (April 2009), Minister of Foreign Affair for May 2009, Vice President of eIndonesia for June 2009.

What’s the story of your name? Aban is my nickname IRL. It's short version of my surname.
How did you join the eWorld? I was invited by Bima (we played the same online games before erepublik). Though, I tried to register but then I was in waiting list until Bima came with invitation.

What's the best thing that you've done? - Being the president eIndonesia (february 2009) and attacked WSR.
- Organizing indonesian national community gathering in June 2009.

What do you think about V2? All I can say about v2 is that I have hope that v2 will bring us more fun...


http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/8281/codaa.jpg" />

She is a prominent member of the Canadian community. Coda is the founder of the 4th “Special Ops” Platoon, and lead the platoon until she was promoted to General.She made many military missions. She has serving Canada as her General for over 7 months. In June she her efforts as a devoted member of Canada, and the army, where rewarded and she became a Companion of The Order of Canada which is the highest rank of the order. In October she also became a Knight Commander in the Order of Military Merit.

What’s the story of your name? Coda is a music phrase meaning the ending or finale. I chose this name because I am both personally connected to art, design and music. I find the name Coda has grown to suit me as I have been here since Beta erepublik and I haven't left, quit, or gone inactive at any point. I am here until the end.

How did you join the eWorld? I joined the eWorld when my friend Derakor invited me to the game. I had originally joined because he needed help to help eChina become liberated at the time. But that story is best suited for another time 🙂

What's the best thing that you've done? The best thing I have done on erepublik is pretty much my military activity as General. Something more specific would be starting the Support a Platoon Program. The purpose of this foundation is to help soldiers with housing, gifting, leveling, and the list goes on. I have raised hundreds of gold to help out soldiers in any way I can.

What do you think about V2? I think V2 will be interesting. It looks like a lot of features are going to be gold pits though so I don't understand how the new world will cope with this as gold is already hard to come by. They will either have to make some adjustments to their venturous new ideas or to the actual monetary system.

Crazy Man

http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/8416/crazymanj.jpg" />

Crazy man is an important citizen from Romania.He was in congress many times(5 terms). He was Media Minister(2 terms) in smif 's government. He has talent, he wrote many articles and took 4Media Mogul Medals.He made a TO and was part of another one. Crazy is a good bussiness man, he has 15-17 companies and 12 of them are q5 companies .

What’s the story of your name? The story of my name... eh, some time ago i had a blog about "Crazy World" and in this period i took this nick name "Crazy Man", also sometimes on RL i'm 'crazy'... and sometimes verrryyy 'crazy'.

How did you join the eWorld? Almost 2 years ago i saw an article about eRepublik and Second life... when i saw "You can be very rich and lead your country" i said "this is for me". And now look.. i'm here and i'm verrryyy rich .

What's the best thing that you've done? The best thing that i've done on eRepublik... hmm... so hard to tell that, but i think my newspaper and my companies.

What do you think about V2? About V2, i can't say something because i dont know nothing important about it... but there will be a big chaos. Let it come, we are here xD.

Thanks for reading! Will come

Robert Negrea,
member of eRBP