[Parliament] 25th - 26th July Session

Day 3,170, 12:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Previous Session
Removal of NMU budget
Motion #1 The NMU - National Military Unit, established by parliament, administered by the MoD currently has a budget of 250k allocated. Congress is reminded that this motion is NOT about the current state of the NMU or it's future. The motion seeks to dissolve the budget and thus reduce potential for expenditure.
Aye 6
Nay 2
Abstain 0
Fouled Vote 1
Result: Aye's have it Budget authorisation from congress has been rescinded.

Please ensure your vote is clear, using the standard format is helpful but not obligatory. However if you leave me to interpret the vote, it will be fouled as it's not legal for me to deduce which way you intend to vote.

Current Session
Proposal for Discussion 'Improve legislation for Emergency Procedures'
Guidance Notes: As everyone will now be aware, the country has been attacked without provocation by eUSA. Our benevolent King and Dictator saw this coming before any in the government. Late at night I'm pressed why there is no response to his alarm to the government. Whilst congress can't handle that, it did further compound the problem that even when we start the ball rolling with proposals for action, we don't actually know how far the ball needs to roll. Currently legislation is inadequate and vague with regard to emergency powers. I propose that we have stated combinations of people in government and congress to clear emergency actions.

A potential form would be sanctioning action based on:
((Dictator|CP) + MoFA + MoD + Speaker)
((Dictator|CP) + (MoFA|MoD) + Speaker + 1 congress)
((Dictator|CP) + (Other Gov) + Speaker + 2 congress)
((Dictator|CP) + (Other Gov) + 4 congress)

N.B '|' = Or

This does need quite a bit of work, which I'll do if the proposal receives enough support to go through to motion, please add any ideas during the discussion stage now, thanks.

I would ask that we keep other discussions and proposals relevant to the war effort.

Congress officials yet to report in

You... Yes.. You
Any eUK Citizen can propose any idea they have for improvement to either Government or Parliament here. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Michael Ludgate - Speaker of the House