[MoSA's Letter] Donations open & Competition to start

Day 1,147, 03:41 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Badar Fateh Khan

Greetings ePakistan,

Donations are open

Donations to Ministry of Social Affairs are always open.We would appreciate your donation to help the youth with money or gold.

We soon will be getting our Ministry's org,till now,you can donate gold or money to Badar Fateh Khan.When we get our org,we will send your donations there,Although for now,we won't use your donations for our personal use.
Remember,even a single penny helps,so please feel free to donate.

Thank you for helping!

Competition to start

The Vice MoSA who is Umar Ahmed and myself will be starting a competition within 2-3 days where as prizes would be given for top three positions.This is a competition to entertain you all.

Information regarding the Competition will be announced later on today!

Signed by,
Minister of Social Affairs
Badar Fateh Khan