[MoFA] Report - January 2010

Day 804, 19:31 Published in Japan Japan by Angrr

As the Presidential elections draw nearer, it was deemed a good time to realease details of the work undertaken by cabinet members during this term.
This is a run-down of my actions (as MoFA) since taking the position on January 16th.

My job - as far as I see it - is split into two main areas. I must ensure the security of the nation arranging MPPs with nations strong enough to defend us (and keeping them on good terms so that they would actually assist us if it came to it), and improving eJapans relationship with other countries through regular communication.
This month saw some additional duties added to this (starting a new Asian Alliance), but these two tasks remain key.

When I took over, there was a large amount of disagreement over the MPPs. In fact, this disagreement led to the departure of my predecessor. As I said, my duty is to ensure the security of eJapan, and since it was clear that an MPP with eRussia would not pass through congress, I urged the President to consider other options. Upon discussion, we agreed that eSpain would be a suitable nation since they are dependable allies and not involved in any aggressive acts against our allied nations in Asia.
I immediately set about contacting the eSpanish government. This was not an easy task. It actually took me several hours of PMs, discussions in IRC and visits to forums, culminating in a discussion with the Vice President at 3am (my time). National security, as well as the unrest in congress, required immediate action.

Following this, I began talks with East Asian nations regarding the formation of a new alliance. These discussions also took place in various places, but IRC played a large part. I also made use of our network of Ambassadors in making contact with some nations.

At this point, I began to look for a Director of Ambassadorial Affairs. I gave it a lot of thought, and decided to choose one of the best Ambassadors we had, Joey Sonno. We discussed what was required, what he would like to do, and I made an official announcement.

On January 24th, I recieved word from our Ambassador to eChina that communication had broken down. A strong, healthy relationship had somehow deteriorated and all messages were being ignored.
Not completely certain of the reason, I made an immediate effort to get in contact with the eChinese government. I managed to have a conversation with their President, and discovered that the issue was with our eRussian MPP discussions. Word had reached them of these discussions, and their (somewhat understandable) reaction was that we were turning our backs on them.

I fully explained our reasons for considering such an alliance, and repaired some of the damage. To re-emphasise our commitment to eChina and Asia, I proposed an MPP with them.
This MPP was unsanctioned by the President, and not discussed in congress. My reasons for acting rashly were that eChina are perhaps our oldest and most important ally. To lose them would be catastrophic.

Following this, I had a new board created on the forum and set up a group charged with making some progress on the Asian Alliance.
You can visit the forum here- http://tinyurl.com/AsianAlliance

I then returned to the MPP discussions, which had again stalled due to the difference of opinions between congress and the President. I suggested to the President that we persue an alliance with the eUkraine as they were neutral with regards to the two super-alliances, and I had already built up a good relationship with their MoFA and Ambassador to eJapan.
The eUkraine seem to take even longer to discuss and vote in congress than we do ( 😛 ) but once their congress gave the green light, we were able to propose and sign the MPP.

Throughout the month, I spoke to various other nations about MPPs and other subjects, but nothing came from them or we decided to take another path.

Currently, I am in discussions with eMalaysia, looking to renew the war-games MPP.

I believe that I have been as thorough as possible here without releasing any potentially dangerous information in the public media, but if any citizens or congress members have any questions, please feel free to contact me by PM.
For general questions, post here in the comments.

I would like to thank congress, the Cabinet and the public for the trust they placed in me during this term.

Minister of Foreign Affairs.