[MC&B4PP] Full of Awesome

Day 2,820, 10:06 Published in USA USA by MrCarey

Good people of eUSA and fellow Party People - I shared with you an article a few days ago announcing my campaign for Party President for We The People. I used the tag of [MC&B4PP] in that article, this article, and will use it again next article. Some of you figured out what it means, but for those who haven’t, it’s MrCarey & Blande for PP. I’m taking a slightly different approach to my cabinet this time around. My Vice President won’t just be there to help with tasks and take care of things when I’m not around. My Vice President will be working hand-in-hand with me; it’ll be more like a cooperative position.

In order to raise this party back up and get it really moving again, we need dedication, we need talent, and we need activity. It only makes sense that if I want to acquire such things, I need the right people. Not only do I need the right people, but I need the right people in the right spots.

I need an awesome recruiter. Someone dedicated to the recruitment process who is ready and willing to grab those new players and players looking for a change and bring them to the party that is all about them.

I need awesome retention people, so that once we get those new people they stay and hang out. I also need those awesome retention people because they need to engage the ones who are already here and show them there is no reason to go elsewhere. I mean, let’s be honest - why would you want to go anywhere else than We The People?

I need an awesome person in media who is dedicated to writing articles, enjoys it, does it well, and pumps out awesome articles. These articles will spew the awesomeness of the party and everything awesome that goes on within it.

I need an awesome person as PAC Director too. Someone experienced, who is good with timelines and dates, someone who will make sure we maintain that exemplary congress sign-in percentage that we’re known for.

Basically, I need a whole lot of awesome, and luckily I’ve got it at my fingertips. I’ve got Oaks1241, who is a new kid on the block and has been doing a fantastic job with recruitment and made a slammin’ spreadsheet record to make tracking easy. I’ve got Mazzy Cat and AaronWebb85 who are both phenomenal at engaging party members both on IRC and Forums. I’ve got ukrosis who is another new kid on the block who writes fantastic articles and I’m excited to put him to even better use than his current utilization. Finally, I’ve got The Mike who has an outstanding political track record, knows the ins and outs of how WTP runs their election systems and isn’t afraid to crack down on people to get results.

With this team, we will bring WTP back to the glory it deserves. WE will bring it back, not just Blande and myself, but this entire cabinet I’ve laid out before you. The only way this can happen though, is if you fine people vote for me in the WTP primaries that are coming up at the end of this week. As I said before, my campaign isn’t just about me, it’s about you, it’s about ALL of us. I’ll have one more article coming to you all toward the end of the week, but until then, take care and roll on!
