[MA] Vento Aureo issue

Day 1,463, 17:00 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
Disclaimer: this might be long and boring to most, I will bold tl;dr parts for the lazy readers.

Hello once again. I am writing this as a five times official and god knows how many times unofficial Party President of Vento Aureo, a Dioist party in Pakistan. I found a need to write this statement in order to close this dispute over the ownership of the party with the party ID 2936.

1) History
As old players know, and many new players doesn't, Pakistan used to be almost 100% populated with Dioists or /v/akistani, a gaming group from /v/ board of our favorite imageboard. Players originally joined Pakistan at the end of November 2007, with the first party named Stardust Crusaders being created by Dio Brando on 11/29/07 (old players correct me here if I'm wrong). Long story short, Pakistan was what it was, number 1 at the time, held entire China and India. I will go more into that when I decide to put more effort into this game. The party was lost for Pakistan when Pakistan got erased and it's currently in Romania, lost forever due to the rule changes. Following party was Diamond is Unbreakable, which is erased. Third successor was Vento Aureo, and that party was active when I got more involved with Dioism. I am not sure about dates and don't have time to search so I will just skip them completely here. Vento Aureo was moved to India when India wiped out Pakistan in 2010, and DDimow restored it under the name Stone Ocean, as 3rd successor of the original SDC. Later on when Pakistan erased India, Vento Aureo was returned home and was found by Dishmcds. At about that time I let Max McFarland 2 take over Stone Ocean as his group Exodus (Dioists from USA) controlled most of the Pakistani military.

2) The issue
That was around Sept 2010. Now fast forward to the Policy's term in September. Policy had an idea of cleaning up our politics by erasing empty parties in order to prevent possibility of PTO. I had a couple of discussions with him regarding that, and I got his agreement that VA will stay. Now we come to the complicated part.

At the start of Policy's term, Pakistan had no congress (correct me if I'm wrong here), and I had Serbian citizenship which I took in order to try something economy-related which I couldn't do in Pakistan. Some random multi was PP. Before that, kualkerr was babysitting VA. After multi got banned, I asked Umer to babysit the party until I get Pakistani citizenship back. Umer was fine with that. So I expected to take back Party in October elections. Unfortunately for me, I was busy at that time so I had no time to push people around, and somehow I lost the elections.

Party name was changed during Policy's term, and I complained to Policy about that. Policy had talked to raao and told me raao said he would change the name back. Three times. That's when I started getting kinda annoyed. After the PP elections, around congress ones etc, I have tried to contact every important member of Vento Aureo (at the time named Lashker), and got massively ignored. After 2nd try, Umer responded, and we exchanged a couple of messages. Ofc nothing happened still.

And here comes the important part. hamis11 publishes the article regarding upcoming congress elections. I candidate as usual (10 terms so far, I learned to follow the procedure no matter what it is) and put VA as the party name. hamis11 says this: Bozli , please give me right information , otherwise , I am unable to add you to the list. I reply him in PM, he demands me to use the "proper" name. I can imagine that was a trolling attempt, but it was my weak spot, so I just reacted nevertheless. I know I could push my spot through "higher authorities", but I just saw no need and reacted, as I consider hamis11 to be my friend. And the other day I find that the multi who won November elections got banned and I became Party President as I had the most XP points. So I changed the name back.

3) The question
All this time I had this question in mind. Of all parties in Pakistan, why did this newformed group had to take Vento Aureo, knowing I will have a problem with it? If I remember correctly, there was total of 7 parties in Pakistan, and VA was 2nd biggest.

4) The solution
I can act loud and go "MINE MINE MINE". Of course, I will be ignored and you will keep playing your game, marginalizing me. That's when I lose and you win. I can force some Dioists to come back to Pakistan, push people around and take back party for good. That's where I win and you lose. Both ways are bad as they will provoke more media wars et cetera. Old players probably remember our last couple of "wars", it wasn't pleasant thing to see and many people quit.

My proposal is following:
- pick a new party
- take it
- write a message to the players to let them know they should move
- give me the message so I can send it to the players
- ???
- profit

Don't be afraid of that move. I have seen my buddies moving hundreds of players which doesn't use IRC at all from one party to another, it's possible and easy.

And of course, if someone is interested in actually staying in VA, you can find the Party charter here. More input on Dioism is going to follow, not sure when.

