[MA] More on Foreign Affairs

Day 1,473, 19:09 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
tl;dr version on the bottom of the article, I advise reading the whole thing.

QUETTA, Pakistan - I apologize for not being able to come online, server anti-spam script wounded me while I was joining the network from campus. Recovery time is estimated to be 3 days, except in case someone heals me (unban).

Medical Report

Now back on business. Johnatan Joestar, through the mouth of Annihilator10, said some quite wise words, which I advise everyone to read. But, I have noticed one little, but very important thing - what did he exactly say? His article is full of patriotism, which is great for bringing close new players, but us older guys want something more, something we can touch. That had me thinking, what exactly did I say about my candidature? Slightly more than JJ, but not nearly as much as I should have.

So here it is - my Foreign Affairs plan. But before that, a couple of small updates:
1) Johnatan Joestar would be Minister of Propaganda - I somehow managed to forget about his past influence in our media, and his last article reminded me of the enthusiasm he has while writing.

2) After analyzing kualkerr's thoughts, I have decided to put av khan as my Vice President. His main role will be to learn and eventually start making his own decisions. But basically, when I'm not around, he's the one with a spanker.

3) As mentioned earlier, I don't really know many of the new players. So, if you can suggest me people and their possible roles, feel free to drop me a PM.


You can see my goals. Conquer Sweden! Old players know what I'm saying, new ones probably don't. But don't worry, everything in it's own time.

A spoiler

Other than that, I have selected our original regions. It is not random, and you will see why.

First, let's take a look at Chinese regions.

As you can see, the only region China really needs is Sindh. It's their only fruit region. To get there they need NWFP and Punjab. Earlier, they needed those two resources as well, but after taking over South Korea (which is very important, you will see why), many options are in front of us.

Right now I can think of two basic plans for getting our regions back, with a few variations to both:

First plan. I have been suggesting this one since August. Other than us, only Japan is near China with fruit region. After taking SK, China has direct border with said fruit region, and it's up to us to make that region Chinese in exchange for Sindh.

Second plan. With this one we cannot regain Sindh, but there are more options which will be discussed.

Look at the lands around Pakistan. There are techinically two paths from China to Sindh. One is mentioned earlier, and the other one is through India, as shown on the map below. China loses nothing here, they already have one Indian region. India loses nothing either, they don't need those 3 regions. We get 2 regions.


Another important issue of our little community. If I recall correctly, Iran was refusing our TW with them because they already have one with UAE, which is going on for months.

What my idea is: rent 3 of their regions (2 in case Japan plan works out). I remember Iran being very prideful when it came to their original regions, but that was before. Very likely that has changed, and that is my shot. We have quite decent connections within ONE so we could push it through.

Together with that we would get a TW, one direct battle which we would let go (our dmg output is not large as pop is young), and the RW where our population will fight in. Iran practically has no need to do any damage at all.

ALLIANCES and other relations

Pakistan has a long term cooperation with Serbia, and that is going to stay. As Hungary had re-started war with Romania, getting that MPP would be a good idea as well. Turkey is also one of our standard allies. And that's where I'd close our MPP list, for now at least.

In my last article I have also mentioned re-starting cooperation with Brazil and USA. Getting Brazil back will not be an issue, they have no direct opposition in our allies, as Spain is pig disgusting. USA might be a problem.

USA is currently being invaded by Serbia, which is our closest ally at the moment (I might be biased here, but that's how I see things). Getting both of MPPs is not an option. But connecting with them through IRC/forums can be fun. We already have many members in USA, most of them started in Pakistan, and eventually became Presidents, MoFAs etc. As soon as this invasion is over we can start with ingame cooperation, but until then I advise everyone to keep neutral grounds ingame.

Last, but not the least, I would really like to see some relations between UK and us. UK also has a good deal of our old players and it sucks to forget them.

For the end, going to mention that I might re-start the ambassador program, simply because it's a good way for new players to meet new people.


P.S. I missed suggesting you to vote for me, so I will do it here: vote for me because you can.

tl;dr version:
Regain regions: Punjab, NWFP, possibly Sindh
Training war: maybe with Iran
Renting regions: oil, saltpeter and maybe fruit from Iran
MPPs: Serbia, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil
Other alliances: USA, UK
Ambassadors: maybe